Danielle McCarthy

How to sneak more fruit and veg into your diet

When we were little, many of us balked at the mere mention of the word “vegetable”. As we get older, our palettes change and we begin to like new tastes and textures, and getting our 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of veg isn’t as hard to achieve. However, we could all benefit from adding more fresh produce to our diets, particularly with some experts now suggesting we should aim for 10 serves of fruit and veg.

So, if you’d like to pack some more nutrients into your diet, we’ve thought of 8 clever ways you can sneak more fruit and veg into your diet without even realising it.

1. Make fruit your go-to snack – Have a craving for something sweet? Grab an apple, banana, or even blend the two with some milk to make a delicious afternoon smoothie.

2. Replace one meal a day with salad – No, this doesn’t mean you have to starve yourself. Add lean meat, beans, legumes and seeds to some colourful veg for a fibre- and protein-packed meal that will leave your tummy perfectly satisfied.

3. Add fruit to your breakfast – Any time you’re having cereal, oats or even toast for bread, why not add some blueberries or strawberries? Not only will it taste amazing, but the fibre will leave you feeling fuller longer.

4. Go crazy with pizza – Homemade pizza, that is. Grab a thin base, add some healthy pizza sauce, then cover with all the veg you can pack into it! Sprinkle with a small amount of cheese, cook until melted and golden and enjoy your tasty vitamin hit.

5. Get naked – Naked burgers, we mean. Most burger joints will be happy to replace your burger buns with lettuce leaves or Portobello mushrooms instead, saving you empty calories while still satisfying your cravings. You can even swap taco shells for lettuce leaves!

6. Swap pasta for veg – Using a spiraliser or veggie peeler, you can create “pasta” out of zucchini, carrot, squash, eggplant and more. Once you’ve added your sauce and protein of choice, you won’t be able to tell the difference to real pasta.

7. Make use of leftovers – Puree leftover vegetables into a deliciously healthy soup. Not only is it good for your body, but it’s good for your wallet and the environment, too.

8. Eat your veg first – If your typical meal consists of meat and three veg, make sure to eat the vegetables first. Often, we fill up on the meat first, leaving most of the good stuff on our plates.

Do you have a trick to sneaking more fruit and veg into your diet? Share your tips with us in the comment section below.

diet, health, eating, fruit, vegetables, body, Increase