Charlotte Foster
Beauty & Style

Dietitian shares the best diet tips for radiant skin

Dietitian Rebecca Gawthorne has shared the best foods to include in your weekly shop to keep your skin looking healthy and radiant. 

The Sydney-based mum took to Instagram while she was walking through the supermarket aisles to explain what ingredients will help keep your skin clear. 

She starts by picking up avocados, olive oil, tinned salmon, nuts and hemp which all contain healthy fats.

Rebecca explains that foods containing healthy fats, such as Omega-6 and Omega-3, help build blocks of cell membranes and prevent skin dryness to keep skin dewy and hydrated.  

They're also rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids which is important for radiance and can add softness to your complexion.

She then says to pick up low GI foods, such as red lentils, rice, chickpeas and multigrain bread. 

Scientists believe that following a low GI (glycaemic index) diet may help to reduce acne and skin inflammation. 

Rebecca also advises to pick up antioxidant rich foods that are high in vitamin C including oranges, raspberries, kiwi, turmeric and broccoli.

These foods will protect your skin against environmental factors and in turn fight signs of ageing and inflammation, as well as help the skin to correct damage from the sun. 

Next, Rebecca encourages to pick up foods that are high in zinc, such as black beans, pumpkin kernels, almonds and garlic.

Zinc is especially important for people with oily skin as it with other vitamins and minerals to help treat skin lesions and can decrease the severity of acne.

On top of all these food groups, Rebecca reminds viewers to keep up their water intake to promote clear and healthy skin. 

Image credits: Instagram 

beauty & style, dietitian, skincare, superfoods, complexion