Georgia Dixon
Beauty & Style

4 tips to take care of your skin in the warmer months

When the longer days and warmer temperatures hit, we welcome barbeques, dining on the deck, and a splash in the pool. However, we all know that enjoying the sunshine comes with certain cautionary measures for our skin, and we’re not just talking about putting on sunscreen.

When the mercury rises, your dry, brittle, winter ravished skin is likely to take a further beating, and its appearance may suffer. Nutritionist Samantha Gemmell warns that mature ladies need to be extra careful. “Nutritionally speaking, we also absorb fewer vitamins and minerals as we age, including those that support healthy skin. Additionally, our thirst mechanisms don't function as well as we get older, so it's a lot easier to become dehydrated without realising it”.

The key, is knowing what healthy measures to adopt. Skincare and nutritional medicine expert, Fiona Tuck, explains. “The beauty industry tends to promise us eternal youth with a new product or super hero ingredient however the most important factor to healthy skin is ensuring that your skin is being fed the right nutrients. If we lack certain nutrients in our diet, eat junk food or have malabsorption or digestive problems our skin is the first organ of the body to suffer. Nutrients nourish the skin inside and out, making it appear radiant, glowing and healthy”.

It’s simple enough to keep your skin glowing all year around, as long as you take the proper precautions. Here, our experts outline three important ways to maintain healthy and glowing skin in the warmer months.

1. Hydration

Water is essential to the functioning of our bodies organs, so it’s no surprise that it plays a big role in keeping the largest one of those in tip-top shape. Water is needed to carry nutrients and oxygen to skin cells and also remove waste products from the body. The recommended intake in Australia is around two litres of fluid per day, which includes beverages other than water. However, Samantha has some more specific advice. “For best hydration results, I recommend the majority of that fluid come from water and herbal teas. Keep it to one to two cups of coffee or black tea a day as a maximum – otherwise you will excrete too much water thanks to caffeine's diuretic effects”.

2. Fatty acids

When it comes to eating your way to better skin, Fiona swear by delicious, fatty acids and omega 3s. “If you have dry, inflamed or devitalised skin, or you suffer from the frequent appearance of whiteheads or blackheads, you can benefit from supplementing with Omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFAs). EFAs are responsible for skin repair, moisture content, and overall flexibility of our cells but because the body cannot produce its own EFAs, they must be obtained through the diet”. However, Samantha says that even applying these topically can be beneficial to the appearance of your skin, giving you that natural glow from within.

“You can also use any type of good fats – olive oil, avocado – that can moisturise your skin naturally without the need for chemicals. Remember to start with a test area to make sure that your skin doesn't react. Natural skin care companies may also include these ingredients in their products to boost up the hydration level”.

3. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is highly effective in reducing the damage done to your skin by overexposure to the sun or pollution. These consume collagen and elastin and can also cause wrinkles and other premature sign of ageing. However, don’t shy away from a day at the beach with the family just because of this. Fiona says that there are measures you can take. “Vitamin C is effective at protecting the skin from premature ageing, especially when combined with vitamin E. Foods high in vitamin C include berries, red and green peppers, citrus fruits, kale, parsley, collard greens, turnips, and broccoli”.

4. Antioxidants

Antioxidants protect the skin by limiting the production of free radicals, which can damage skin cells. Samantha explains that antioxidant rich foods protect your cells from inflammation and oxidative stress that can increase as we age. “Enjoy a rainbow of plant foods, both fruits and vegetables, for a wide variety of health boosting antioxidants. In particular, look for your lycopene-rich red and your vitamin C packed fruit and veg – two antioxidants known to aid in skin health”. 

What summer skincare tips do you swear by? Let us know in the comments below.

Related links:

How to figure out your skin type

5 tips for treating dry skin

How to eat collagen for naturally beautiful skin

beauty, skin, spring, care, summer