Alex O'Brien
Home & Garden

DIY: Planter box

Whether you want to grow a herb garden or are looking for a nifty way to house a few flowering pots, planter boxes are a great way to present your greenery in a neat, space-saving and decorative manner. And the good news is, you can easily make a planter box yourself.



1. Depending on the space in which you want to place your planter box – be it a windowsill, table or wall outside, the best way to determine the length of your planter box is to match the width of the box to the width of the space you are making it for.

2. With a jigsaw, cut three pieces of cedar approximately to the length and width you have measured. These pieces will form the base, front and back of your planter box. For the sides, cut two 20cm square pieces.

3. With the help of wood glue, assemble the planter box by fitting the pieces together in a rectangle shape. Use the clamps to hold together until dry.

4. Drill holes into the four corners and along the bottom of the front panel – making sure to drill right through to the bottom and side boards.

5. Insert the galvanized screws into the holes on the front, back and side boards.

6. Drill a few small holes into the bottom of your planter box to allow for adequate drainage which will help your plants to grow healthily.

7. To finish, apply a primer and either a wood stain or paint to the outside of the window box.

garden, diy, plant, planter box, outdoor