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The BMI isn’t all its cracked up to be

<p>The obsession people have with weight is nothing new. But as the relationship between science and weight evolves, health professionals are increasingly advocating for a shift away from one of the most often used tools as an individual measure of health.</p> <div class="copy"> <p>The Body Mass Index – or BMI – has been used for the past half century as a standard measurement tool for weight and obesity. It’s calculated by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by the square of their height in metres.</p> <p>This produces a figure which is indexed on a spectrum of weight ranges. A BMI below 18.5 is considered underweight, above 25 is overweight, and above 30 is obese.</p> <p>The latest episode of <em>Debunks</em>, a new podcast from Cosmos, investigates how useful the BMI actually is for assessing health.</p> <p>Health advocacy bodies, health insurers and government departments all make reference to the BMI as being a globally recognised standard for weight classification.</p> <p>Most – but not all – <a href="">acknowledge that the tool is imperfect</a>. Its <a href="">simple arithmetic</a> is based on a system devised by 19th-century Belgian mathematician Adolphe Quetelet, who was an early pioneer of the social sciences and the use of data to understand human trends.</p> <p>The so-called ‘Quetelet Index’ was first described in 1832 as a means of trying to identify a calculation for the average man, first by conducting cross-sectional studies of infants and then adults.</p> <p>The need to consider weight as an indicator for health, mortality and morbidity, saw scientists trial several measurements before settling on Quetelet’s formula and rebranding it as the BMI in 1972.</p> <p>The problem? The BMI was largely based on studies of Anglo-Saxon populations. This is one of the biggest limitations often recognised by health groups. The Australian Department of Health, for instance, notes that a healthy BMI range is generally lower for people of Asian backgrounds, and higher for those of Polynesian backgrounds.</p> <p>But ethnicity isn’t the only limiting factor. Age and pregnancy status also play a part. Even athletes with more lean muscle (which weighs more than fat) might also find the standard BMI doesn’t capture their health status accurately.</p> <p>Diets and lifestyles have also shifted from the 19th century Belgian standard, and even from those of 50 years ago. Health professionals have long supported a shift away from the BMI being used as a rolled gold indicator of individual health, and medical professionals are beginning to take a wider view of patient health.</p> <p>“There has been a recent change in the position from the [US] National Academies of Nutrition and Dietetics surrounding BMI and there are shifts in the guidelines around BMI for medical diagnosis,” Dr Emma Beckett, a molecular nutritionist at the University of Newcastle, tells <em>Debunks</em>.</p> <p>The same goes for other measurements like waist-to-hip ratios and waist circumference. These metrics are often used by researchers conducting large population studies, but they don’t necessarily explain a person’s ‘health picture’.</p> <p>“Because we measure them in so many of our research studies, people mistakenly believe they are the most important markers of health and it’s just not true. Health is so much more complicated,” Beckett says.</p> <p>“The ‘normal’ [BMI] category is the one with the lowest health risks, but it doesn’t mean being in that category means you have no health risks and it doesn’t mean if you just get yourself into that category and change nothing else, there are no health risks.”</p> <p>On the latest series of Debunks, a podcast from Cosmos and 9Podcasts, find out how weight – and measurements like the BMI – are much more complicated than they might seem.</p> <p><iframe title="Weight: Should you care about your BMI?" src="" width="100%" height="180" frameborder="0"></iframe></p> <div><em>Image credits: Shutterstock</em></div> <div style="background-color: #f4f4f4; padding-top: 20px; padding-right: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px;"><em><a href="">This article</a> was originally published on <a href="">Cosmos Magazine</a> and was written by <a href="null">Cosmos</a>. </em></div> </div>


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The new and reliable way to spot a liar

<p><strong><em>Susan Krauss Whitbourne is a professor of Psychology and Brain Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She writes the Fulfilment at Any Age blog for Psychology Today.</em></strong></p> <p>Figuring out who will be truthful is as important a determination to make as any you might make in your life. Your quest to identify what's a lie ranges from distilling the newsfeed you receive on a moment-to-moment basis to trying to decide if a salesperson is giving you a truly good deal for a truly good product. Psychology addresses the question of dishonesty from a range of perspectives, such as interpreting <span><a href="">body language</a></span> or counting the number of “uh’s” in a person’s speech. However, it would also make sense that <span><em><a href="">personality</a></em></span> would figure into the equation. Putting this idea to the test, University of Cape Town (South Africa) psychologist Yolandi-Eloise Jansevan van Rensburg and colleagues (2018) explored academic dishonesty in a context easily investigated with college undergraduates. Although their focus is on this specific type of cheating, the results of this study also have implications for <span><a href="">understanding</a></span> dishonestly on a larger scale.</p> <p>Van Rensburg and her colleagues note that a large percentage (43%) of college students admit to having cheated at some point and in some way on exams. This estimate comes from a range of studies conducted between 2002 and 2013, with nearly 135,000 participants. In a way, although <span><a href="">cheating on</a></span> campus is a headache primarily for instructors, the problem also takes on significance when you consider that some of those cheaters are now serving the public, sometimes in situations involving life or death decisions. Who wants a cheater conducting <span><a href="">brain</a></span> surgery or doing your taxes?</p> <p>The personality traits that the South African researchers believed would be most related to academic <span><a href="">deception</a></span> stem from the so-called “HEXACO” model that includes as one if its components the honesty-humility dimension. As you can most likely guess from the term, scores on this personality attribute are related to what the researchers call “counter-academic behaviour.” In other words, people with low scores on the honesty end of the continuum should be more likely to commit “multiple ethical transgressions within an academic context” that would include cheating and plagiarising among other behaviours such as abusing substances and holding low personal standards. Whether honesty-humility scores would include cheating specifically within this range of counter-academic behaviour became the study’s empirical question.</p> <p>According to van Rensburg et al., it is necessary to break the honesty-humility scores down further in the effort to predict cheating. Honesty refers to being fair and trustworthy, and unwilling to engage in behaviours designed to provide personal gain such as exploiting, stealing, lying, and of course, cheating. People high in humility avoid being greedy and regard themselves as not particularly entitled to special treatment. Putting the two together, people may want to get ahead and hope to get special treatment (i.e. be low in humility), but honesty puts the brakes on their doing so, acting as a “control element” against engaging in counterproductive behaviour.</p> <p>Using an online sample of 308 South African students ranging from 18 to 47 years of age, with an average age of 23, van Rensburg and her collaborators assessed cheating both with direct questions about counter-academic behaviour as well as with a disguised measure of cheating in the form of an online task that participants were to score themselves. The online cheating task was administered prior to the personality test to ensure that participants wouldn’t guess the actual purpose of the study and then be influenced by the honesty questions when they performed the task.</p> <p>The online cheating measure was cleverly designed to tempt participants to cheat by giving them the opportunity to win money if they performed well. Participants were told they should not use any unauthorised help such as using a calculator, nor to change their answers once they started seeing the correct scores. After completing the task, participants then reported on whether or not they had cheated in the process of scoring themselves or using any of that unauthorised help. To assess counter-academic behaviour, the researchers asked participants a series of questions regarding such examples as submitting a class paper or project that was not their own work (misrepresentation) and turning in work that was of poor quality and lower than their true potential or ability (low personal standards).</p> <p>Think now about what you would do in the online task scenario. Would you try to change your answers or give yourself an honest grade based on which ones you got right and which you got wrong? If you believe you would refrain from cheating, why would this be? Would you feel it was unfair to receive unearned money or would you just feel that you were being insincere? Think too about whether you’d really want money you hadn’t earned. Is it worth it to get an extra few dollars in terms of your own self-respect and integrity, or would you stop at nothing to try to game the system?</p> <p>As it turned out, the fairness dimension ranked above all else in predicting who self-reports engaging in counter-academic behaviour. With fairness including an adherence to social norms and unwillingness to take advantage of others, the authors reasoned, people with high scores on this trait should stay away from all forms of behaving badly in academic settings. For the online cheating test, though, it was greed avoidance that provided the strongest predictive value. That material gain, small though it was, provided sufficient incentive for the greedy students to grab what they could.</p> <p>Breaking honesty-humility down into its components, then, and differentiating between general college misbehaviour and cheating on a specific task allowed the South African <span><a href="">team</a></span> to pinpoint the distinct personality traits that lead people to lie to get what they feel they deserve. If you generalise beyond an academic situation, the findings suggest that the people most likely to cheat their way to the top are, at their core, greedy. Their desire to acquire material goods allows them to suspend their own sense of right and wrong. Those individuals who uphold the values of fairness will, by contrast, avoid the more general range of unsavoury behaviours that include ethical transgressions. </p> <p>If you want to figure out who to trust, the van Rensburg et al. study suggests you do a quick assessment of fairness and greed avoidance. Even if you dangle attractive goodies to the people high in greed avoidance, they’ll be able to resist temptation. You can conduct your own experiments of giving them the opportunity to earn something they don’t deserve and see how they behave. The people who believe in fairness, similarly, can be put to the test by finding out if they would try to get away with bending the rules if they could. Of course, you can also see if they do. If a salesperson fails to charge them for an item, do they point this out, or furtively leave the scene as fast as possible?</p> <p>Finding fulfillment in your own personal search for success means not cheating to get what you want. Learning to figure out who to trust in your relationships means looking not so much at their nonverbal communication but at the more easily observable, and perhaps reliable, conduct.</p> <p><em>Written by Susan Krauss Whitbourne. Republished with permission of <a href=""><strong><u>Psychology Today.</u></strong> </a></em></p>


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Are older planes less reliable?

<p><span>A Boeing 737 belonging to British airline Jet2, has made two emergency landings in two weeks causing commentators to question the reliability of old planes.</span></p> <p><span>The plane was first forced to land at Barcelona, as it flew from Ibiza to Leeds. Twelve days later, it made another forced landing at Frankfurt while flying from Newcastle to Prague.</span></p> <p><span>The airline has said there was no compromise of passenger safety during both emergency landings.</span></p> <p><span>People have been pointed out that the plane which was manufactured in 1986, could be having trouble because of its age.</span></p> <p><span>Patrick Smith, US pilot and author of Cockpit Confidential, doesn’t agree.</span></p> <p><span>"Commercial aircraft are built to last more or less indefinitely, which is one of the reasons why they're so expensive," he said.</span></p> <p><span>"It's common for a jet to remain in service for 25 years or more.”</span></p> <p><span>Smith explained that as planes get older, they undergo greater scrutiny.</span></p> <p><span>"Inspection criteria grow increasingly strict," he said.</span></p> <p><strong>Why planes retire after 30 years</strong></p> <p><span>"Planes are sold, traded or mothballed not because they've grown old and are falling apart, but because they've become uneconomical to operate," said Smith.</span></p> <p><span>"Aircraft are tailored to particular roles and markets, and there's a fragile balance between whether it makes or loses money. Poor performance means quick exit to the sales block. To another carrier with different costs, routes and needs, that same aircraft might be profitable."</span></p> <p><span>An older plane, tends to have depreciating economic value as fuel-efficient aircrafts enter the market.</span></p> <p><span>New aircraft also tend to give passengers a more comfortable flying experience and are quieter than older planes.</span></p>

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5 ways you can create reliable income in retirement

<p>Just because you’ve stopped working doesn’t mean the bills have stopped coming. For this reason, it’s essential to have a reliable stream of income when you retire. We’ve taken a look at the five main ways you can create one, and the pros and cons that come with each method. </p> <p><strong>Account based pension</strong></p> <p>The most common form of account based pension is a superannuation account that pays out a regular income. Generally you have the freedom to choose your own investment strategy.</p> <p>Pros <br /> - You have the power to choose your own investment options and pension payment plans.<br /> - Plan is adjustable in response to your changing needs and allows for lump sum withdrawals.<br /> - You generally don’t have to pay tax on pension payments, if you’re over 60.</p> <p>Cons<br /> - Income isn’t necessarily guaranteed, and if investments don’t perform you could earn less.</p> <p><strong>Annuity</strong></p> <p>Annuities are generally available from insurance companies and superannuation funds, and work a little bit differently to an account based pension. Annuities are set up to give you a fixed, regular income for a set period of time (or the rest of your life), depending on the product you choose.</p> <p>Pros <br /> - Annuities offer the security of a pre-defined income, no matter how the markets are preforming. <br /> - You don’t usually have to pay taxes on annuity payments if you’re over 60.</p> <p>Cons<br /> - Annuities don’t offer the same amount of flexibility as an account based pension. For example, if you find you need some extra cash has, you don’t have the flexibility to withdraw a lump sum.   <br /> - You also won’t get to choose where your money is ultimately invested.</p> <p><strong>Bonds</strong></p> <p>Bonds (not of the 007-type) work a little bit like a loan where you are the one loaning money. When you buy a bond, you are effectively lending money to an issuer who in return pays you a regular income until the bond matures at a fixed or floating rate. As the bond matures you get a payout.  </p> <p>Pros<br /> - Bonds have the potential to offer higher returns, depending on the investment you choose. <br /> - Bonds generally have less risk than alternative investments like shares or property.</p> <p>Cons</p> <p>- Bonds can be difficult for individual investors to access, particularly in Australia. This is why ere, many investors choose to invest through a managed fund or a super fund. <br /> - While safer, bonds are by no means risk-free, particularly higher-yielding company bonds.</p> <p><strong>High yield shares</strong></p> <p>While the risks of investing in the stock market are high, so too are the potential rewards. Many investors who are looking to earn an income after retirement can use the stock market to pick up high-yielding stocks at lower prices, then trade for a profit or reap the dividend payments.</p> <p>Pros<br /> - When it works, it works really well. Carefully selected shares and canny investment can offer you comparatively high levels of income, with the added bonus of being able to receive franking credits, which are basically like tax credits for tax the company has already paid on your behalf.</p> <p>Cons<br /> - Share tend to be more volatile than the other investment options. <br /> - There is no hard and fast guarantee that companies will continue to pay dividends.</p> <p><strong>Property</strong></p> <p>Residential property has become a very popular choice these days for people looking to turn their money into a secure, income-generating asset that has life for years to come.</p> <p>Pros<br /> - Property can be a stable investment, allowing you to receive income from rent and capital gains.</p> <p>Cons <br /> - It’s not 100% without risk. House prices can fall, even after a period of strong gains.</p> <p><strong>Related links:</strong></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/finance/retirement-income/2015/11/building-a-financial-safety-net/">5 step guide for building a financial safety net</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/finance/retirement-income/2015/11/australian-attitude-could-be-bad-for-super/">Laid-back attitude could be bad for superannuation</a></strong></em></span></p> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><em><strong><a href="/finance/retirement-income/2015/11/working-part-time-in-retirement/">Should I work part time in retirement?</a></strong></em></span></p>

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Get a reliable retirement income stream – and pay no tax on it

<p>Financial worries can overshadow retirement. Over60 sat down with Michael Holmes, financial advisor and author of Super Smart Money: A guide to the most efficient retirement income streams for Australians for his top tips.</p><p>“Retirees should buy the golden goose and live off the golden eggs,” Michael says. “In other words, the ideal solution is where you take a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly ‘wage’ from the cash account within your investment portfolio, without ever selling off the assets so that they can continue to fill the cash account.”</p><p><strong>Super is super</strong><br>If you’re over 60 you can access your superannuation tax-free, there is no tax on your earnings through super and no tax on what you pay yourself from your super.</p><p>Michael recommends the SMSF (self-managed super fund) to his clients: “These offer the most flexibility and freedom, and I manage them on my client’s behalf to ensure they get the most out of their fund as possible. They’re so liquid and the money can be accessed any time if you need it.”</p><p><strong>Don’t be afraid of shares</strong><br>Even the word “shares” can fill many of us with dread. Surely the stock market is akin to gambling. But not if you follow certain guidelines, Michael explains.</p><p>“Within the SMSF, I would only invest in a niche of Australian industrial companies. We’re talking 20 companies out of a possible 2000 on the stock exchange.”</p><p>Michael advises you forget about share price and instead look at year on year performance. “Share price is only a guide of where a company is trading, but what fills your bank account is the profit and the dividends you’re paid,” he says.</p><p>There are certain companies that essentially give you a pay rise every year, without you lifting a finger, for example Commonwealth Bank of Australia and Woolworths. These companies fulfill the strict criteria Michael recommends you look for in investments:</p><p>1. High Return on Equity (ROE)</p><p>This is the amount of money the company makes from its assets. 15 per cent and over would be good. CBA makes 18 per cent.</p><p>2. Durable Competitive Advantage</p><p>This means the company must dominate the market they’re in, meaning your money is safe in the long term and is a reliable investment. This reliable cash flow gives you a realistic estimate of your annual investment income so you can budget accordingly.</p><p>3. Attractive payout ratio</p><p>Look for companies that, as well as satisfying the above criteria, pay out less than 100 per cent of their profits- ideally around 70 per cent. This means they plough 30 per cent of their profits back into the business, meaning they’re more likely to be sustained in the future while still giving you a healthy income.</p><p>4. Fully franked dividends</p><p>This means that the company pays the tax for you. So, for example, if you are paid 5 per cent on a $1million investment, that’s $50,000. But you also receive an additional $21,000 in tax refunds because the company has already paid the tax on your behalf.</p><p>5. Defies the Yield Trap</p><p>Having a high yield percentage figure can seem attractive, but it’s an abstract number and only captures a frozen moment in time. 9 per cent of one investment could easily pay you the same as 5 per cent of another. The key is to fulfill the criteria above and work out what you will likely be paid- in dollars, not percentages- from your investment. Know exactly what you own and what it’s worth, and avoid having your entire portfolio blurred into one final dollar value in a total return-style managed fund.</p><p>For more information see</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

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