"Demonic" Kmart cloud artwork shocks the internet

A woman shared to Facebook about a Kmart photo print that was quite unsettling.
“So after finding a demonic face in this pic I don’t want it above our bed anymore,” the woman wrote in the Kmart Inspired Homes Facebook group.
“Where else can I hang a cloudy pic?”
Her post attracted hundreds of comments despite the bargain at $19.
“I have this above my bed oh no,” one person wrote, while another added: “God I wouldn’t put it up at all.”
“I might just have a really creepy mind, but I can see a mutated baby alien face happening there too,” one person commented.
Others saw weird things too.
“I had mine hanging in the toilet. Hubby demanded me to take it down as there was a poop monster in it,” another wrote.
Some were sceptic.
“If you look hard enough, you can see a demonic face in anything,” one person said.