Alex O'Brien

What your book organisation reveals about your personality

Every bookworm has their own quirks when it comes to sorting their bookshelves. Alphabetised? Sorted by colour? A total mishmash? Are you more focused on practicality or aesthetics when arranging your books? As it turns out, your organisation style actually tells more about your personality than you might think.


People who arrange their personal library in alphabetical order (either by author name or title) are traditional, practical and tidy. You love the classics – Austen, Shakespeare, Dickens – and take great pride in being able to quickly source a new book to lend to a friend.


People who stack their books in neat piles around their house as a form of décor like to be on top of the latest trends. You’re always up for a challenge and love trying new things, particularly when it comes to books – you opt for the hottest new bestsellers.


If you like to sort your books by genre or subject matter, you’re a busybody. Always on the go, you like things to be done efficiently and don’t wait around for anything. You have a diverse book collection, made up of equal parts fiction and non-fiction.


Have you created a rainbow with your books? People who sort their books by colour are bright, bold and ahead of the curve. You’re creative yet neat, and always bring an artistic eye. You like books with strong characters, sharp plots and witty writing.

No organisation

Those whose books are arranged in no particular order are no-nonsense, laidback people who don’t take life too seriously. You put your books wherever they fit, with no real method of organisation. You take life as it comes and don’t sweat the small stuff.

How do you organise your bookshelf? Does your description fit your personality? Share your results with us in the comments below!

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organisation, books, Reading, Personality, bookshelf