Sahar Mourad

Glaring errors in fan favourite movies

You have to be a real cinema buff or at least excelled in high school English class to notice some glaring errors in popular movies.  

TikTok user Don Farelli has done all the work and pointed out the mistakes left in fan favourites such as Pretty Woman, Gladiator, the 1985 flick Teen Wolf, and the 1995 movie Braveheart.

Up first is the 1990s blockbuster Pretty Woman starring Julia Roberts and Richard Geere. 

In the scene, Julia’s character Vivian Ward is seen nibbling on a croissant as she tells Richard’s Edward Lewis that she didn’t go past 11th grade. 

Suddenly, the croissant disappears and in its place is a pancake. 

The swap in foods has been spotted a few times before and there are even unconfirmed reports from the director for the change. 

"Director Garry Marshall said he liked the performance she gave in the latter part of the scene better, so the croissant magically becomes a pancake, which she began to eat as they did more takes,’ it reads on IMDB.

"While this may be the case, there is still a continuity issue. In the first scene with the pancake, she takes a second bite. In the next scene with the pancake in her hand, there is only one bite missing.

"Not only that, but the pancake with one bite missing has a different bite pattern and is clearly a different pancake."

Next up is Mel Gibson’s Braveheart, who is seen speaking to a fellow actor in a scene. 

Upon closer inspection, a man in the background is seen wearing a baseball cap - which very obviously has no place in the film. 

Similar to Gladiator starring Russel Crowe, which features two modern items which are very clearly not meant to be there.

In one scene, a man is seen wearing jeans which is not the wardrobe for the movie and another scene shows another extra moving a water bottle out of the way.

The final movie is Teen Wolf starring Michael J. Fox, which hilariously shows a man realising his zipper is undone and tries to cover it during a basketball game. 

Don’s TikTok video received a whopping 1.7million likes and has been viewed more than 15million times. 

Image: TikTok



Pretty Woman, TikTok, Gladiator, movies