Sahar Mourad

“Homophobic” line removed from Spider-Man

A “homophobic” line from the action fantasy 2002 Spider-Man film has been removed following a recent airing on Britain’s ITV2.

The first film of the trilogy starring Tobey Maguire aired on TV recently, with one eagle-eyed fan noticing the change. 

“They removed Peter Parker’s homophobia,” the Twitter user wrote along with a clip of the scene.

The scene where the line was cut is at the beginning of the film where Peter Parker is learning about his newfound skills and went to a wrestling match.

He is seen hanging on the cage away from pro wrestler Bone Saw and says: "That's a cute outfit. Did your husband give it to you?" 

However, the scene changed to just say: “That’s a cute outfit”.

The Twitter user however pointed out that the original line was in fact “not homophobic. It's been a joke for a little while now that Spider-Man is insensitive to this man's husband.”

Many people praised the change, while others questioned why they couldn’t use something else that doesn’t attack sexuality. 

“Why cut the joke out entirely? Why not try to change it somehow?” someone asked.

“So many things happen in this world, countless deaths, robberies, and many other things. And what makes people mad is a JOKE in a SPIDER-MAN MOVIE. Learn to take a joke. seriously. And the intent behind it wasn’t even bad, y’all just want something to be mad about,” another wrote.

“The fact that they removed a joke is baffling guess comedy is hate speech,” someone mentioned.

“What was wrong with the joke in the first place?” a user asked.

“Everyone can’t seem to understand that Spider-Man says this because Bonesaw is very clearly a big, burly macho man (no pun intended) alpha-male,  kinda guy with his own team of 4 beautiful women/cheerleaders at the ringside and implying that he’s gay is a good way to rile him up,” another explained.

Image: Twitter

Spider-Man, 2002, movie, Tobey Maguire, homophobia