Natasha Clarke

Put your Star Wars knowledge to the test

While May 4 is not a public holiday, for passionate Star Wars fans around the world, it may as well be. 

Whether you prefer to dress-up with friends and celebrate with a mega movie marathon - after hours spent deciding which trilogy to begin with, of course - or scroll your favourite forums to find that next snippet of news about any upcoming projects, it’s fun to have the odd fun fact to drop into conversation, whether or not your present company particularly wants to hear it. 

And now’s the time to put your knowledge to the test, with some Star Wars trivia to challenge and to impress - especially if you get that perfect 15/15. 

So, “may the Force be with you”, and don’t forget to scroll to the bottom for the answers! 

1. What was the false working title used to mask production for Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi in 1982? 

A: Blue Moon

B: Blue Harvest

C: Force Squadron

D: Galaxy’s Edge


2. The term ‘Ewok’ was never said aloud in the original trilogy. 

A: True

B: False


3. Who delivered the line “congratulations, you are being rescued” in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

A: Cassian Andor

B: C-3PO

C: K-2SO

D: Orson Krennic


4. How many actresses have portrayed (in the live action films) the leader of the Rebel Alliance, Mon Mothma? 

A: 4

B: 3

C: 2

D: 1


5. Which movie features the most stop-motion animation? 

A: The Phantom Menace

B: Empire Strikes Back

C: Return of the Jedi

D: A New Hope


6. Why are porgs so prominent in The Last Jedi

A: Director Rian Johnson was asked by a crew member’s child to include the feathered friends

B: The marketing team had requested something small and fuzzy for the younger audience

C: Porgs were inspired by early concept art for BB-8 that they didn’t want to toss aside completely

D: The island on which they filmed was home to puffins and it was easier just to tie them in 


7. Yoda shares a voice actor with which iconic Muppet? 

A: Miss Piggy

B: Kermit

C: Gonzo 

D: Swedish Chef


8. How many films does the Rebel Alliance’s Blue Squadron appear in? 

A: 1

B: 2

C: 3

D: 4


9. Which phrase can be heard in every Star Wars movie?

A: “There’s no such thing as luck.” 

B: “Rebellions are built on hope.” 

C: “I have a bad feeling about this.” 

D: “Never underestimate a droid.” 


10. In The Phantom Menace, Qui-Gon Jinn used which common household item as his communicator? 

A: A lint brush

B: A torch

C: A tin of shoe polish 

D: A razor


11. How many Sith can there be at any one time? 

A: 8

B: 6

C: 4

D: 2


12. What was Luke Skywalker originally going to be called? 

A: Luke Stardestroyer

B: Luke Starkiller

C: Luke Skykiller

D: Luke Lars


13. The noise from passing which object served as the inspiration for lightsaber sounds? 

A: A radio

B: A microwave

C: A television 

D: A racecar


14. Which quote is correct?

A: “No, I am your father.”

B: “Luke, I am your father.” 


15. Who built C-3PO? 

A: Luke Skywalker

B: Jar Jar Binks

C: Shmi Skywalker

D: Anakin Skywalker


Images: Getty


1: A, 2: A, 3: C, 4: C, 5: B, 6: D, 7: A, 8: A, 9: C, 10: D, 11: D, 12: B, 13: C, 14: A, 15: D

Star Wars, movies, trivia, facts, quiz