Alex O'Brien

Our favourite 5 tablet accessories

More and more people are using their tablets as their main device these days. We’ll admit it; we’re just slightly addicted too. From Skyping the grandkids to taking photos and even paying bills, tablets are great to do just about anything no matter where you are. So if your tablet goes everywhere with you too, then you’re probably running into these problems – battery power, scratches or more serious damage from dropping and the sometimes finicky keys. We’ve compiled a list of top tablet accessories that will enhance your tablet using experience and prolong its life as well.

Car charger

Have you ever grabbed your tablet on your way out only to realise its low on battery? There are many products which offer you the convenience of charging your tablet in the car.

BELKIN 2.1 Lightning Car Charger ($34.98) – compatible with iPad, iPad Mini, iPhone and iPod

Waterproof pouch

If you’ve ever worried about your electronics at the beach or by the pool, a waterproof pouch is for you. This clear pouch offers 100 per cent waterproof protection to a depth of one metre while still letting you enjoy all the features of your tablet. 

Dry Tablet ($36.95) – Compatible with all tablets


Sometimes the touchscreen of a tablet is not ideal for fast typing. There are many keyboard-and-stand combos for your tablet meaning you get the best out of a traditional keyboard and the ease of a tablet.

Belkin YourType Keyboard ($69.98) – Compatible with iPads only

Logitech tablet keyboard ($99.98) – Compatible with Android or Windows 8 tablet

Adjustable cases

Using a case for your tablet is generally a good idea to protect from environmental elements as well as from any unexpected drops. But don’t just settle from any old case when there are plenty of cases out there with an adjustable stand that you can customise for ease of viewing. Just make sure the case is for your specific tablet size and design.   

Leather 7 inch Galaxy Folio ($39.98) – compatible for Galaxy Tab & Tab 2 (7 inch)

Apple iPad Smart Case ($49.98) – compatible with iPads


Tired of fingerprint smudges on your tablet screen? Frustrated when you press one app only for something else to pop up? A stylus designed for a tablet might be for you. The soft, durable rubber tip allows you easily control and navigate your tablet without scratching the screen.  

Targus slim stylus ($14.98) – Compatible with all tablets.

tablet, ipad, technology, dick smith