Melody Teh

The 74 year-old on a mission to make technology easy for ALL seniors

“Do you feel frustrated when looking at your computer or smart phone, not knowing where to start? Do you find the choices overwhelming?” asks Sheila Finkelstein on her website, Technology for Seniors Made Easy.

If you answered yes, you are not alone. It is a feeling that all too many over-60s can relate too. For many who didn’t grow up in the digital age learning to use new technology is not easy. Sheila likens it to “learning a new language”. When you throw in society’s expectation to keep up to date with every new technological advance (and there seems to be something every other week) it is enough to make you want to throw your hands up in the air or throw your computer to the wall!

This is precisely the reason why Sheila, a 74 year-old grandmother based in the United States, decided to launch her site. She saw too many people her age ill at ease with technology and believed it was a great shame.

“I want seniors to experience the fun and joy of being and staying connected with their loved ones – family members and friends throughout the world,” she says, continuing, “And so they can access information whenever they need – health, nutrition, scholarly, fun and more.”

It also came from a personal realisation of the powerful beauty of technology to preserve precious memories.  

“Though I’m blessed to have love letters from my beloved, late-husband Sam, from the first week that we met (engaged in six weeks, married three months after that), I miss not having anything with the sound of his voice,” she reveals. “And I had all the knowledge to do it. Simply never thought about it.”

With a site of easy-to-follow instructions teaching you all the basics and necessities of using social media and technology, as well as the most important lesson how to have fun while using technology, Sheila believes as a tech-savvy senior she almost has a duty to spread the lesson around.

“I am grateful to be one of those people who is intrigued by the technology that’s simple enough to be figured out (after a while) and then use it to have more fun in life,” smiles Sheila, further adding, “I’m always looking for the ‘easy’ way [to learn technology] myself so I know just what fearful seniors need to feel comfortable.”

Sheilais dedicated to teaching as many seniors as possible through her site. “My biggest tip, aside from deep breathing, is to find local classes or someone to work with online,” she advises.

It is how Sheila herself came to be the “tech-savvy senior” she is today.

“I was encouraged by a friend to get a Mac computer and I finally, reluctantly, took the step, probably about 14 years ago,” says Sheila. “I was quite fearful for a long time, always afraid I was going to “break” something or “crash” and lose important information.”

But before long Sheila was creating websites for her many endeavours including selling her artwork, writing her own books and creating a DVD.

“I started taking a lot of online courses, thriving in the community of people in the classes. And as I got new ideas, I set up new sites,” explains Sheila.

She not only wants her story to be an inspiration to any over-60s out there who are feeling overwhelmed by technology but to guide and help you through the journey.

After interviewing dozens of seniors, Sheila found that over-60s were predominantly using iPads or tablets. “Because of the simplicity and being able to be more directed, I am planning to move my focus onto seniors and tablets. Ultimately I will do more on my latest site ‘Seniors Using Tablets’,” says Sheila.

Defying all clichés of the older generation, Sheila Finkelstein proves that any “senior” can be tech-savvy. In fact, with some help and guidance Sheila believes anyone can overcome their doubts and enjoy using social media and technology

To find some handy hits about technology, visit Sheila's site

Technology, dick smith