Georgia Dixon

Shocking dash cam footage a lesson in how NOT to overtake

Shocking dash cam footage has captured the terrifying moment a car spun out of control after a dodgy attempt at overtaking – and it’s a much-needed reminder to always (and we mean ALWAYS) check your blind spot.

“Took this video off my rear cam on Sunday,” dash cam owner Adam from Queensland captioned the video. “I think it was the M1... between the onramp from Capalaba Road and heading to the exit for Ipswich (toll road). I slowed slightly for traffic slowing ahead of me, the Falcon simply messed up his attempt to overtake.”

While the driver of the red car (understandably) didn’t get much sympathy in the post’s comments, people almost seemed more interested in poking fun at Adam’s music taste!

“The Ford got close enough to the cam car and heard its music, ripped a 180, risking life and limb to get away from it... no one should be subjected to ‘Uptown Girl',” one man joked.

“Dashcam driver’s fault for listening to Billy Joel and not singing along,” said another woman. “Don’t know how that’s even possible.”

Song choice aside, it’s a reminder we all need to take care on the roads, especially as the long weekend begins in some states across Australia. You may be driving safely, but who knows what others around you might do.

dash cam, overtaking, driving, insurance, blind spot