
How often you should get health checks in your 60s

When you reach your 60s and beyond it’s important to keep up with regular health checks, even if you’re fit and healthy. A visit to the doctor for medical check-ups will not only help you stay healthy but crucially pick up early warning signs of diseases and illnesses that unfortunately become more common as people age. Below are the screening guidelines for men and women aged over 60.

Blood pressure – Every year. If you have high blood pressure or other risk factors, you might need to be screened more often.

Bone health – Every two years. Get a bone density test at age 65.

Bowel cancer test – Every two years.

Cholesterol – Every year.

Dementia screening – As needed under 75, and every year over 75.

Diabetes – Depending on risk level, test either annually or every three years. 

Eye tests – Every year as diseases like macular degeneration, cataracts and glaucoma are common with age.

Hearing tests – Every year to test for deterioration.

Skin examination – Every year.

Urine test – Every year to assess kidney health.

For women

Pap smear – Every two years until you are 70. If you have had several negative pap smears in your 60s, your doctor may tell you it is no longer needed.

Ovarian cancer screening – As your doctor advises.

Mammogram – Every two years until you are 70.

For men

Prostate cancer screening – There are debates among experts on prostate cancer screening so speak to your doctor about the pros and cons, as well as your needs.

insurance, health, Healthy Living