Alex O'Brien

Why Aussie women are embracing golf

Move over gentlemen, it’s the ladies turn to tee off. While golf – one of the world’s oldest sports – has traditionally been the domain of the chaps, it’s fast becoming a popular leisure activity with women of all ages, especially active over-60s!

Take a drive past a golf course at any point during the week and you’re likely to see just as many women teeing up on the green as you are men, and it’s not hard to see why Aussie women are embracing golf.

It’s great for your health, it gets you outdoors and it’s social, which means moving your body and catching up on the latest news and gossip all at the same time. If that’s not reason enough to get yourself down to the nearest driving range or course, here’s a few more:

It makes you happy!

You’re out in the sunshine, birds are chirping in the trees and you’re met with picturesque views wherever you look, so what’s not to like about being out on the golfing green? Well, aside from boosting your mood in being in such a lovely place, playing golf also releases endorphins – the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. This could explain why people of all ages hit the green when they’re feeling stressed or anxious, since these chemicals are your body’s natural pain and stress fighters!

Get your 10,000 steps easily

Swap the golf buggy for a comfortable pair of walking shoes, since playing golf is a great way to achieve the recommended daily walking target of 10,000 steps. Why 10,000 to be exact? The number is thought to have originated in Japan in the early 1960s when Dr Yoshiro Hatano and his team of researchers determined the average person took about 3,500 to 5,000 steps per day. They found that if a person were to increase their steps to say 10,000 per day, they would be healthier, more active and happy. Basically, the more active we are, the better! Today, the World Health Organisation and the National Heart Foundation of Australia, plus many other global health organisations, suggest individuals take 10,000 steps a day to improve their health and reduce their risk of disease. If you played on the world’s longest golf course, Nullarbor Links in the outback of WA and SA, then you’d get your 10,000 steps in no time! However, for most golf courses, even nine-hole courses, you’re still going to get plenty of walking done.

Get out on the green today

Mark in your calendar the upcoming Veterans Golf Classic in Victoria. This event, sponsored by Apia, is held throughout October across various golf clubs in Victoria and is suitable to anyone who enjoys a social game of golf with a friendly competitive edge. It’s a great way to keep active out on the course and embrace everything the game of golf has to offer. For more information about the event visit the website.

apia, active, golf, exercise