Council rates raise concern for family rejecting $60m property offer

The Zammit family have refused to sell their 20,000sqm property in Quakers Hill, Sydney for years, but now there are concerns that they may be forced to leave.
Despite being surrounded by thousands of houses, the Zammit family have held out on their prime property location, and even refused a $50 million offer two years ago, a figure that has now gone up to $60 million.
However, amid all the talk of how the family can keep resisting property developers, social media users now believe that authorities may use a sneaky way to force them out.
Many of them believe that the Zammit's will be forced out by rising council rates, which may be increased to a point where the family will no longer be able to afford their home.
"If they don't sell out in time the adjusted council rates will get them out in the end," on commenter said.
"Yep, that's how they will do it! Rezone, then apply higher rates accordingly until they squeeze them out financially," another added.
"Many people I know had their hand forced to sell their dream home in the end due to increases in council rates," a third commented.
All of the land around the Zammit's property have been bought by developers who plan to build a new suburb called The Ponds.
However, the local council has denied that the family may be forced to move.
A Blacktown City Council spokesperson told the Daily Mail that it "has no plans to acquire the property and has not had any negotiations to acquire the property.
"The property rate applied to this property is the same as all surrounding residential properties."
Commenters from around the world have praised the family for choosing to stay put.
"Good on them, why should developers get rich," one wrote.
"Don't bow down to greedy big corp," another added.
House prices in Quakers Hill rose about 8.5 per cent in 2024, according to PropTrack, which means that the family would've earned an extra $4.25 million on top of their previous offers.
Image: 7News