Aussie passenger slapped with $200 fine for breaking little-known law

On the weekend, an Aussie Uber passenger received a $200 fine for breaching a little-known law.
The Western Australia man was pulled up by a passing traffic patrol officer who noticed the passenger was holding an alcoholic beverage while sitting in the ride sharing service.
The officer saw the man drinking in the vehicle before trying to quickly hide his drink underneath the seat when he realised that he had been caught out.
According to WA law, it is illegal to drink in public, which includes inside motor vehicles and public transport.
The term ‘drink’ means having an open container inside all public vehicles.
The passenger’s attempts to hide his alcoholic drink failed, and he was given the $200 fine for his actions.
In NSW and Victoria, having an alcoholic drink open in a taxi can result in a fine of up to $1100.
In South Australia, offenders can receive a maximum fine of $1250 and in Queensland, the fine is as high as $2523.
In Northern Territory, drinking alcohol in public can result in a hefty $4620 fine.
Did you know about this rule? Let us know in the comments below.