Charlotte Foster

“Just return it”: Tragic appeal after grandma’s home robbed during her funeral

A family has been left "traumatised" after the home of their 81-year-old grandmother was broken into by heartless thieves on the day of her funeral. 

The house of 81-year-old Nola Bulkeley was targeted last Friday as her family and friends farewelled the mother of three and grandmother of 10, after she died from pancreatic cancer on May 27th. 

Nola's son Andrew recalled the moment they found out about the robbery, telling 2GB radio on Monday,  "Some of the children and grandchildren went back to the house and when they arrived, they discovered that someone had accessed the house and taken a range of things."

"Not only was it very, very sad, but it was confronting. Was someone else still in the house? We just didn't know. [We were] a bit blown away and it brought the wake to a pretty quick end."

Andrew went on to describe Nola as a "wonderful woman" and "special grandmother", as their family continue to grieve their loss.

"Mum lived in that house for 42 years and not once did someone access it in that way, it's very disappointing," he said.

"Mum didn't have a lot of expensive jewellery but she had a whole little range of items that over the years she talked about with the grandkids."

"She'd talk about when she left Earth... she'd be pleased to see them have it."

He urged those responsible to return the jewellery, saying, "Please, just return it ... just leave it on the front doorstep, or something like that."

"It's really broken the family's heart. I thank God she was not there to experience this injustice. She would have been so upset."

Nola's grandchildren, who had been staying at the house in Sydney's north-west, discovered the theft when they returned to the house after the wake following Nola's funeral.

Nola's daughter-in-law Celine said her three children felt "traumatised" by the break-in, saying, "We feel she has been violated ... her special items have been taken."

Police were called to the home and forensic experts carried out an examination to identify the thieves, with the investigation still ongoing. 

Image credits: 2GB 

legal, grandmother, funeral, robbery