Charlotte Foster

Network Seven claps back after Robert Ovadia's claims of "evil" conduct

Channel Seven has clapped back at claims from former 7News presenter Robert Ovadia that they are engaging in "evil" conduct, claiming they have found more inappropriate emails from the veteran journalist. 

Robert Ovadia, who worked with Seven for 23 years, was fired in June and has taken the matter to court claiming he was unfairly dismissed, while also claiming the network is hellbent on destroying his reputation. 

However, the network has finally spoke out about the claims, saying they have recent complaints from more female staffers about inappropriate behaviour. 

“Mr Ovadia commenced Federal Court proceedings against Seven over his dismissal for serious misconduct following the sending of inappropriate emails to a 23-year-old news producer and other employees of Seven," a Seven spokesman said.

“In doing so, Seven is discharging its obligations to prevent sexual harassment at work, including as more recently expanded under recent legislation. Mr Ovadia was trained about these new legislative obligations by Seven and failed to comply with them.”

The statement from the network went on to suggest there are further revelations to come, as more women have come forward with allegations of inappropriate conduct.

“At the first hearing of those proceedings on Thursday, 29 August 2024 about Orders for the filing of evidence and timetable steps, Justice Raper asked Seven whether any other conduct would be relied upon by Seven other than set out in the termination letter," the spokesman said.

“In that context, Seven confirmed it has had complaints or allegations about Mr Ovadia from 13 other employees. Although Seven was not required to provide examples of the other conduct it intends to rely on at this stage, Seven has provided Mr Ovadia and his lawyers examples of some of the inappropriate emails by Mr Ovadia, which will be further detailed in Seven’s defence required to be filed on 12 September 2024."

“Out of respect for their privacy, Seven has not chosen to make further even more inappropriate emails public at this stage. In response to this, Mr Ovadia has made outlandish complaints about Seven being an ‘evil company’ with a ‘propaganda unit’ that is setting out to destroy his reputation. Seven is confident its position on this matter will be upheld by the Courts."

In response to the statement, Ovadia took to Instagram to take another swing at his former employer while also maintaining his innocence. 

“I can be crass, I can be blunt, I can be obnoxious, my humour is dark – 20 years surrounded by trauma and danger will do all of that to you – but I do NOT mistreat women,” Mr Ovadia said in a lengthy Instagram post.

“I’ll expect more smear over the coming months as this evil company (in whose service I risked my life and safety many times) now seeks to destroy my reputation further,” Mr Ovadia said.

“When this kicked off, the day Seven first leaked this story, my teenage daughter asked if people will think her dad is a rapist. At least Four Corners’ laboured hatchet job got one thing right – the Seven Network is diabolical.”

The journalist went on to share screenshots of conversations he had with female staffers who shared their words of support for Ovadia, saying they believe the allegations are false. 

Image credits: Instagram 

legal, Robert Ovadia, allegations, Channel Seven