Sahar Mourad

Notorious paedophile back behind bars

Notorious paedophile and schoolgirl killer Michael Anthony Guider is back behind bars after police allegedly found pornography and child abuse material on his mobile phone.

Police were conducting a routine check at the 72-year-old’s Fairfield Heights home in Sydney’s southwest where they allegedly found a stash of porn and child abuse material on his phone.

They also allege he “searched for images that depict children” and “accessed and viewed material classified as X18+” for seven months between February and September, which is in breach of his strict release conditions.

Guider was arrested on September 29 for breaching conditions relating to his five-year extended supervision order.

The paedophile was only released from jail three years ago after he was found guilty of kidnapping and killing Sydney schoolgirl Samantha Knight in 1986 and preying upon other children across two decades.

Upon his release, Guider was under a strict extended supervision order, designed to monitor and track the movements of high-risk offenders in the community.

As part of the order, Guider was also banned from purchasing, possessing, accessing, viewing or listening to any X-rated material.

One of Guider’s survivors, Chantelle Daly, said it was “the best news I’ve had all year” when she heard that he was locked up again.

“He’s back where he should be, he should never have gotten out and I’m not surprised to hear (these allegations),” Ms Daly told The Daily Telegraph.

“I’m glad he wasn’t able to take it any further or hurt anyone else — because they always escalate. Leopards don’t change their spots.

“They don’t get a big enough consequence, most don’t get jail time.

“It’s not surprising they go on to reoffend, they can’t help themselves and the repercussions aren’t bad enough. No second chances.”

Images: Nine News

Michael Anthony Guider, Samantha Knight, paedophile, killer