Rizna Mutmainah

Police appeal for help in solving discovery of mystery body

Last July, a farmer was clearing bushland on a property between Clifton Beach and Goats Beach in Tasmania, when he made a grisly discovery. 

He found skeletal remains along with a number of personal items believed to belong to the deceased. 

“Police attended and recovered the remains, which showed no signs of physical injuries,” Sergeant Lee Taylor said.

The remains had been in the area between five and 50 years, according to police. 

“A forensic examination at the scene located several items with the remains, including a pair of black dress shoes with several store-bought orthotics in the heel, a short sleeve top and unreadable identification paperwork, and an old campsite nearby which may be related,” Taylor said.

Forensic analysis of the remains found that they belonged to a Caucasian male , but no DNA matches were made, with police having to use facial reconstruction and releasing the image to the public, in hopes that someone could identify him. 

“With DNA taken from the remains not matching to any DNA comparisons, state or nationally, Australian Federal Police have provided a craniofacial reconstruction of the man’s potential appearance,” Taylor said.

Anybody with information or who can identify the man is asked to contact the police. 

Images: 7News

Legal, Human Remains, Police, Tasmania