Charlotte Foster
Money & Banking

Baby boomer's "humble brag" backfires spectacularly

A baby boomer has been mercilessly mocked online after complaining that the value of her home skyrocketed by $1 million. 

A Sydney mother took to Reddit to share that she purchased a family home for $2 million six years ago, and was shocked to learn her neighbour had sold their home for a whopping $3 million. 

The boomer parent feared that the property market was becoming so unaffordable that her children would also need to come up with a seven-figure sum to eventually own their own homes. 

Despite the poster being genuinely concerned, commenters on Reddit were less than sympathetic that her children might end up "worse off", and asked why they even needed a multi-million dollar home in the first place. 

The mother insisted that she was not bragging about her situation and that she considered herself "lucky" to be able to buy her first house "when they were affordable".

"Prices have risen since, it's not news to anyone," she wrote.

"I have never been excited about the value of my house going up because I've always known it just meant things would be harder for my kids and all other younger people."

Despite trying to appear understanding of the plight of would-be homeowners, she was slammed for her "tone deaf" take on the issue. 

"Oh my heart bleeds, but why do your kids need multi-million dollar homes," one user asked. 

Another user said that her "humble brag" was "very sad".

Others agreed that she was facing the reality that they had been facing for years and suggested that she toned down her children's expectations for home ownership. 

Image credits: Getty Images 

money & banking, baby boomer, house, prices