Alex O'Brien
Money & Banking

This one simple task that could save you hundreds

Saving hundreds of dollars per annum can be as easy as asking one simple question. Seriously.

Most of us have insurance, whether for our home or cars, and pay for it on a yearly basis. When this 12 months’ coverage comes to an end, our brokers send us an email or letter asking us if we want to renew it.

The new quoted price is quite often higher than we’ve paid in the last year, but most of us don’t bother to check the numbers comparably.

Saving hundreds of dollars can be as easy as comparing the new price to the old one, calling your broker to ask why, and requesting a discount. If they refuse a discount, threaten to take your money elsewhere.

If your insurer doesn’t comply with your request, you can make good on your threat. Many insurance brokers offer new member discounts that could save you hundreds of dollars.

The CALC is attempting to get insurers to display this information readily: your new price, old price, and the reason for the raise. Until this change occurs, simply picking up your phone and asking could be the means to saving hundreds of dollars every year.

Related links:

7 things with hidden costs

Places where you SHOULD ask for a discount

7 ways to teach your grandchildren the value of money

save, money, insurance, budget, finance