Money & Banking

Readers response: What would you do if you won $1,000,000 in the lottery tomorrow?

Many people, especially those who indulge in weekly lottery tickets, like to fantasise about what they would do if they came into a huge sum of money.

For some people, their first purchase would be a house or a once in a lifetime holiday, while others would give the money to family or charity. 

We asked our reader what they would do if they won $1 million in the lottery tomorrow, and the response was overwhelming. Here's what they said.

Anne Hare - I'd find a really good accountant and put him on retainer. I'd tell no one until I'd got my finances in order. Then I'd go nuts!

Irene Winters - Give most of it to our children and grandchildren, and keep a bit to pay for our old age.

Erica Whitehead - Help my family and do a kitchen and bathroom renovation.

Julie Armstrong - 1 million would be perfect for us to buy a house and live out the rest of ours days comfortably and not have to stress over the rent increases. Plus, we could pay off our daughter's mortgage.

Darlene Challen - Fix this house up properly, sell it and find my dream little house for myself and my dog, might spend Christmas in NY and/or go on a tropical cruise, then put the rest away for my 9 grandies.

Karen Neilson - Give a big chunk to my children and grandchildren, then give some to each of my siblings and Brother in Law. Keep some for myself, just enough to live comfortably for the few years I’m still on this earth! Give some to Cancer Research, The Heart Foundation and the Rescue Chopper. Give some to a couple of friend who do it tough.

Marlene Hassett - Buy a new car and a couple of things around my house and the rest to my kids and grandkids.

Alex Elson - I would finally, finally take our van out of the shed and go away for a while! 

Jeannine Litmanowicz - I would open a scholar fund for my grandchildren so they have money for higher education when they grow up. And also, since they are still young, I would treat them to a week travelling around with them and my daughters and husbands to the Balkans.

Christine Whyte - Keep myself very comfortable till it was time to distribute to 10 grandkids.

Image credits: Shutterstock 

money & banking, lottery, readers response