Understanding supermarket sales tricks

Ever wondered why most supermarkets seem to be set up in a similar way? Well, supermarkets spend millions of dollars a year researching consumer behaviour in order to develop the best tactics to get you to part with your hard earned cash.
We’ve taken a look at these tactics to help you understand what’s driving your purchases.
Image is everything
Often, the entry point for a supermarkets sees you slap bang in the middle of the fruit and vegetable section. This is no coincidence. This department is deliberately located close to the front to give supermarkets a positive image as a place that is fresh and healthy. Dividing supermarkets into “marketplace” areas like produce and the bakery give it a friendly, trustworthy feel.
The science behind “special”
Its human nature to be attracted to a bargain and the word “special” in supermarket marketing plays a huge roll in this. Not only does it immediately instil the product with an implication of positivity, it also gives it a sense of scarcity which makes it seem more valuable than those around it.
Long and short sales tactics
The classic retailing trick of putting the milk and bread at the back of the store has been around for years, but recent research suggests it can be just as effective to have these items up the front surrounded by impulse buys that can tempt shoppers to make unplanned purchases.
Confusing sections
Supermarkets often employ the use of confusion to help achieve their sales targets. Certain products require quite a lot of consideration due to the amount of options available, so these are placed in areas where consumers can consider for a little while without getting in anyone’s way.
Top tips to avoid overspending
- Take a list
- Use unit pricing to compare value for money
- Shop alone
- Avoid big supermarkets
- Avoid the extras
- Eat before you shop
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