Melody Teh

10 healthy New Year’s resolution ideas – and how to achieve them

Be inspired by these 10 great goals for a healthier new you this year.

Goal 1: I will increase my step count

10,000 steps is the recommended amount of movement each day, but it can seem a bit daunting. Work your way up to this goal but using a pedometer to clock the number of steps you do at present, then aim to increase it by 10 per cent each week until you reach your goal. Factor in daily walks and exercise classes to help you cement tactics to achieve your resolution.

Goal 2: I will cut down on sugar in my diet

Refined sugar has been linked to a ton of unhealthy effects, including a mental response similar to addiction. To reduce your sugar intake, start by reordering the pantry so that healthy snacks such as unsalted almonds or fruit are within reach, or less healthy options like sugary spreads or condiments are harder to reach.

Goal 3: I will put aside more ‘me’ time

If looking after your mental health by prioritising meditation or mindfulness is high on your priority list this year, make sure you actually schedule in the time. Blank out 30-60 minutes each day and assign it an activity, whether it be to do a mindfulness colouring book or listen to a meditation podcast. Treat these slots of “me” time as an actual appointment, not a luxury.

Goal 4: I will read more

Reading is great for your mental and brain health. But saying you simply want to read more isn’t going to cut it. Be specific: what constitutes more? Now, find a way to help stay on track. Joining a book club or finding a reading buddy is a great solution to keep momentum.

Goal 5: I will cook more healthy meals

Rather than focus on unhealthy foods to deprive yourself of, make a list of all the healthy foods you want to introduce to your diet. The list can include anything that’s nutritious and makes your salivate- spices, fresh herbs, juices, fruit and food from other cultures can all be on the list. Keep the list on the fridge door and a copy in your wallet so when you go shopping or reach for an easy snack, you stay motivated.

Goal 6: I will meet new people

It can be easy to get stuck in a lifestyle rut, but meeting new people is a great way to stay social and build a support network. Think about what hobbies interest you and search for groups in your community that will allow you to drop in for one session. Try two to three until to get a feel for the vibe and people in the group, before choosing one to regularly attend.

Goal 7: I will get 7-8 hours of sleep each night

The first step is to do a stock take of your bedroom. Ask yourself: are there any items in this room that might inhibit sleep? The light emitted from technology has been found to impact sleep quality, so start by removing phones, laptops and tablets from your bedside table. Set up a charging space outside the bedroom and make it a tech-free zone for better shut-eye.

Goal 8: I will watch less TV

The average person wastes five hours per day watching television, according to a Nielson study. Something as simple as changing the room your TV is in can impact your viewing habits. Treat television time as an activity on its own, and avoid letting it play in the background while you do other tasks.

Goal 9: I will cut back on alcohol

Reducing alcohol consumption can improve your liver function, not to mention reduce your intake or unnecessary calories. But it can be challenging. Aim to live by the weekend treat rule and stay alcohol free on weekdays, with the allowed 2 glasses on weekends. Arm your fridge with sparkling water and opt for bitters or chopped fruit to give mocktails more appeal. 

Goal 10: I will learn a new language

Learning a new language often appears on the annual list of the most popular New Year’s resolutions, but it can be a tricky one to follow through. Make use of language apps such as Duolingo to help set goals and reminders. The free app allows you to choose the level of difficultly and gives you daily reminders if you fall short in lessons.

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diet, exercise, fitness, health, New Year, goals, body