Michelle Reed

5 interesting facts about how we hear

The cochlea is the most complex part of the ear, responsible for turning sounds waves into what we perceive as “hearing”. Here are five more facts about this amazing organ.

1. The cochlea turns sounds into “hearing”

The cochlea receives sounds in the form of vibrations and converts them into nerve impulses. These impulses are sent to the brain to be translated into sounds that we recognise and understand.

2. The cochlea is the size of a pea

Located in the inner ear, the cochlea looks like a snail shell (cochlea is Greek for snail) and is only the size of a pea. Yet within the small pea is everything needed to turn sound vibrations into hearing.

3. There are over 20,000 nerve cells in the cochlea

There are approximately 24,000 hair fibres in the cochlea, which are essential to hearing. If these hair cells become damaged, hearing impairment occurs.

4. Cochlear implants directly stimulate auditory nerve

A cochlear implant bypasses damaged hair cells in the cochlear to provide direct stimulation to the auditory nerve.

5. The cochlea can’t heal

The cochlea cannot heal so damage done to your ear when younger can affect you later in life. It can be damaged by immune reactions, disease, drugs, chemicals, toxins, loud sounds, physical impact and ageing.

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hearing, hearing aids, ears, health