Ben Squires

5 ways to deal with winter mould

As we move warm our homes in winter, ventilation problems can lead to condensation and the arrival of everyone’s least favourite houseguest – mould.

Here are five tips to help you kick winter mould to the curb.

1. Install an exhaust fan

This is particularly important in the bathrooms of older homes. As, be sure to leave it on a couple of minutes after your sure, to ensure you get rid of all the moisture.

2. Dry wet materials immediately

Mould can appear in days if given the right conditions, so make sure you dry any wet towels or other damp materials as soon as you can to prevent its spread.

3. Disinfecting surfaces

Surfaces like sinks and floors that are often quite wet, need to be cleaned regularly to ensure mould doesn’t spread, and must be dried after cleaning.

4. Improve light and ventilation

Mould can’t grow in dry, brightly lit areas so try to keep windows and doors open as much as possible to minimise that chance of it occurring.

5. Double-glazing tricks

Double-glazing your windows is an effective means to prevent condensation, but it’s also expensive. A simple, temporary alternative is covering window with bubble wrap. 

Images: Getty

tips, cleaning, health, mould, caring