Danielle McCarthy

8 foods you didn’t know were gluten-free

Whether you’re a coeliac or simply sensitive to gluten, you’ll know just how hard it can be at times to find food that won’t upset your stomach. Sure, there are more products out there now than in previous years, but sometimes it can seem almost impossible to find something that’s tasty AND gluten-free. To help you out, we’ve found 10 of the most delicious foods that you might not have known were perfectly safe for gluten intolerant people to eat.

1. Pavlova – Yep, the humble pav doesn’t contain any gluten. Plus, if you want to break it down further, since meringue is gluten-free, any dessert you make with it as the base is also gluten free – provided you use the right toppings.

2. Rice – If your diet involves eliminating gluten, you’ll be happy to hear rice is still allowed. This means rice noodles are also allowed (hello pad Thai). Bring on the stir-fries!

3. Ice-cream – What would we do without ice-cream? Well, if you’re gluten intolerant, you’ll never have to find out. As long as it doesn’t contain “bits” that contain gluten (like biscuits, cookie dough or lollies), it’s good to go. The same goes for frozen yogurt and sorbet.

4. Any alcohol (except beer) – You don’t have to miss out on the festivities just because you’re on a gluten-free diet. Wine, champagne, spirits and even some ciders are safe. If you’re lucky, you might even be able to find a gluten-free beer brand.

5. Cheese – Cheese lovers, rejoice! Most cheeses contain very little or no gluten. To check, simply look at the carbohydrates section of the nutrition label. If there are no carbs, there’s no sugar.

6. Nuts – Unprocessed nuts and seeds are perfectly safe for coeliacs, making almond meal and similar products the perfect alternative to use in baking.

7. Chocolate – Most brands of chocolate are gluten-free – just stay away from those that have gluten-containing ingredients, like lollies and biscuits. Always read the label to be sure.

8. Hummus – Crack out the gluten-free crackers, everyone’s favourite dip is safe for you to eat! Again, check for any gluten-containing ingredients by reading the label.

Tell us in the comments below, what’s your favourite gluten-free treat?

health, foods, gluten-free, body