Alex O'Brien

6 foods that boost your body heat

Do you find yourself shivering through the day, despite lots of layers, and maybe even the heater on? Our body temperature has so much to so with our general health, as well as the food and drink we consume.

Thermogenic foods, or those that have warming properties, may be just what you need to switch your internal thermostat to a higher setting. As you eat, your body burns calories to digest the food, and this creates heat. The final result is you get a temporary boost in body temperature.

Defrost from the cold by eating some of these six winter-friendly foods.

1. Ice cold water

It may seem counterintuitive, but as you sip down the icy H2O, your body races to warm up the liquid to your normal temperature. Beyond keeping you well hydrated, ice water may also help you to burn more calories and aid your system in clearing out toxins.

2. Green tea

As it contains caffeine, a steamy mug of green tea will pick you up as it warms you up. Along with the antioxidant flavonoids called “catechins,” it’s the caffeine that also gives it thermogenic properties.

3. Brown rice

This healthy complex carbohydrate takes longer for your body to digest, compared to simple carbs like white bread and pasta. 

4. Ginger

Eating raw ginger can work more magic in upping your body temperature and digestive activity, making you warmer.

5. Peanuts

Peanuts are also considered a warming food due to their ability to increase blood circulation and speed up sluggish metabolisms. 

6. Coconut oil

This oil contains “healthy” saturated fats which are broken down by the body and converted into energy, rather than just being stored in fat cells. This action kicks up your core temperature.

Do you think we’ve left any body heat boosting food off the list? Let us know in the comments below.

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winter, health, food, cold, warmth