Melody Teh

Free forum on prostate cancer in Brisbane

Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) is hosting a free forum in Brisbane that aims to connect the Australian community with leading professionals in the field to discuss the latest research and management of prostate cancer.

The “Community Conversations” event is a new forum that aims to bring together researchers specialising in prostate cancer with people that are impacted by the disease. The researchers will share the latest medical advances related to prostate cancer detection, treatment and management.

Facilitated by former ABC journalist, radio host and author Julie McCrossin, this interactive event will give attendees access to the latest information on prostate cancer and the advice on the management of the disease.

Survivorship research world leading expert Prof Suzanne Chambers, academic general practitioner Professor Jenny Doust, urologist and researcher Ian Vela, researcher Michele Teng, nutritional researcher Olivia Right, manager of community services at CCQ Amy Parker and prostate cancer nurse Chris McNamara will not only deliver presentations in various topic throughout the day but will also form a panel that will specifically address questions from the audience.

The event will cover:

“PCFA supports world leading research into prostate cancer and we feel it is important to allow people in the community who have been affected by the disease to hear the latest news direct from the source,” said Associate Professor Anthony Lowe, Chief Executive Officer of PCFA.

When: 10:00am – 3:30pm, Friday 19 May 2017  

Where: Translational Research Institute (TRI), Woolloongabba, Brisbane

Registration to the Community Conversations event is essential. To book your place, visit or call 1800 220 099 (free call)  

News, Body, Heatlh, Prostate cancer, men, Forum, Brisbane