Charlotte Foster

How certain personality traits could add years to your life

A recent study has shown that people who have certain personality traits will enjoy health into their 80s and beyond.

According to research, the link between longevity and personality is as strong as financial stability or intelligence, both of which have previously been cited as relating to longer lifespans. 

While these traits are fairly stable in most people, experts believe these five key personality traits can be enhanced at any stage of life to increase the chances of longevity. 


People who are often conscientious, meaning responsible and organized, tend to live longer than people who aren’t. 

Psychology professor Nicholas Turiano, says, “It’s probably the best silver bullet we can hope for.”

He says that being conscientious builds up “a resilience factor” that can help individuals overcome major obstacles in life, such as health complications or poverty. 

People who are conscientious also tend to have healthier habits and lifestyles, and are diligent about having positive coping strategies. 


Another quality for longevity is having a purposeful life, and a clear direction in life and fulfilling goals to keep you motivated. 

People who are purposeful in their life tend to bounce back from confronting situations quicker than most, and have a self-awareness factor that can prove very valuable. 

Purposefulness also shows itself in the form of creativity and hobbies, as having these outlets keep the brain alert and fulfilled, as well as working to decrease the risk of dementia and depression. 


According to psychologist Lewina Lee, optimism has long been associated with longevity, and often goes hand in hand with confidence. 

“I would think that optimistic people tend to feel more confident about their ability to accomplish goals as they age,” said Lee.

People who find the positives of ageing, like wisdom and emotional maturity, live an average of 7.6 years longer than those who feel negatively about getting older. 

These advantages are often seen in people who regularly exercise, eat a healthy diet and don’t let the small, unimportant things get to them. 


Being outgoing or extraverted is another trait that can help to lengthen your span of health. 

Psychology professor Susan Charles said, “The link between social relationships and longevity is as strong as cholesterol levels or smoking.”

Social butterflies tend to be more active in their lifestyles, which greatly helps overall health. 

There is also a link between valuable friendships releasing chemicals in the brain that increase happiness, making an individual feel less stressed and more assured. 

A lack of neuroticism

Inner tranquility and an even disposition often help to reduce stress levels, and therefore promote longevity. 

Susan Charles said, “They’re less likely to report feeling ecstatic or so sad that nothing will cheer them up.” 

This inner peace and acceptance also helps to promote a healthy sleeping schedule, and reduce tension.

Reducing outside stress factors, assessing relationships and increasing creative outlets can all be valuable tools to help someone achieve this inner tranquility.

Image credits: Shutterstock 

body, Personality, Longevity, optimism, extraversion