Natasha Clarke

Know the signs of a heart attack this Heart Week

Research conducted by Heart Smart Australia, an online health and wellbeing program, has revealed the concerning reality that only one third of Australians (38% of the 1,031 people surveyed) are able to recognise the symptoms of a heart attack, despite cardiovascular disease being attributed to 25% of deaths in the country

And during Heart Week, which runs from May 1 to May 7, the organisation hopes to both raise awareness and educate everyone on the warning signs, from the obvious to the lesser known, to hopefully reduce an individual’s risk of heart disease.

As explained on the official website for the initiative, Heart Week is “Australia’s national heart health awareness week” and “provides an opportunity for the Australian public and health professionals to start a conversation about heart health and take positive steps to reduce their heart disease risk.” 

Surprisingly, the generation with the least existing awareness are the Baby Boomers, with research showing that only 33% of them are typically able to recall all of the signs and symptoms.

Roughly 98% of Australians were able to call one or more of the most common symptoms to mind, while only 55% were aware that fatigue is one of such signs. Fewer still - approximately 48% - could name nausea and vomiting as another. 

The numbers are far lower than ideal, and as leading cardiologist and Chief Medical Officer of Heart Smart Australia Dr Ross Walker explained, “heart attack can be a silent killer; therefore, it’s crucial that Australians are aware of all the symptoms, including the lesser-known ones such as fatigue, chest discomfort and vomiting.

“If you experience any of these symptoms, it's important to seek medical attention immediately. We know that acting quickly reduces damage to the heart and increases chances of survival - it really is this important. Life or death!"

Cardiovascular disease (otherwise known as CVD) accounts for a staggering one hospitalisation every single minute in Australia, so this Heart Week, Dr Walker is calling on everyone to get on top of their health, to learn the symptoms, and to make the necessary changes towards reducing the impact and risk of CVD. 

“Heart Health Week is the perfect opportunity for Australians to take stock of their heart health and make positive changes to their lifestyle,” he explained. “For example, we know that implementing some simple changes can reduce the risk profile for developing CVD. 

“Looking at things like participating in regular exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, not smoking, getting adequate sleep and eating a healthy, balanced diet are key."

Some of Dr Walker’s main tips include forming strong social networks, not overlooking the importance of a healthy diet, exercising regularly, attending regular heart health check ups with medical professionals, and knowing the symptoms. 

“It’s not widely known, nor understood, but those with strong ties to friends and family fare better when it comes to lowering risk of heart disease. Regularly spend some guilt free time with loved ones - it’s for your heart,” he said. 

And as for diet, “Variety is key here. As well as a range of fruit and vegetables, including things like Omega 3’s and turmeric can work to decrease inflammation, a key risk factor for CVD.”

For exercise, Dr Walker recommends a minimum of “5 or more active days”, with no less than two-and-a-half hours each week dedicated to physical activity.

Heart health check ups are crucial, according to Dr Walker, who suggests that anyone over the age of 45 (or 30 for Indigenous Australians) should contact their doctor for a check up. 

“This check will include things like measuring blood pressure, cholesterol levels and assessing weight,” he noted. “Identifying risk works to pre-empt issues and is often an important preventative measure.” 

And when it comes to the symptoms, Dr Walker believes it to be imperative to recognise them, so that you can act immediately and get help as soon as possible if someone you know may be suffering from one, “as early treatment is strongly linked to better health outcomes”.

Those all-important symptoms include chest pains - pressure and tightness - as well as dizziness and light-headedness, nausea or vomiting, indigestion, sweat, an unusually pale complexion, difficulty breathing and shortness of breath, and palpitations. 

Additionally, when dealing with a suspected heart attack in females, it’s important to watch out for breathlessness and general unwellness, tightness and discomfort of the arms, chest pains that are reminiscent of burning and trapped wind, as well as upper back pain and pressure in the area. 

For more information, and to learn more about the education and support on offer, head over to Heart Smart Australia’s official website: 

Images: Getty

heart, medical, body, health, symptoms