Alex O'Brien

5 natural remedies for acid reflux

There’s nothing pleasant about heartburn! Usually characterised by an unmistakable burning sensation behind the breastbone that often travels upwards into the throat, its primary cause is acid reflux. This occurs when the ring of muscle that allows food into your stomach relaxes when it shouldn’t, resulting in acid travelling back up your oesophagus.

It’s possible to have reflux without heartburn, but you can’t have heartburn without reflux. While there are plenty of over the counter and prescription medications available to help manage the symptoms of heartburn there are also a number of home remedies and lifestyle changes than can be highly effective. Try one of the following next time reflux strikes.

1. A spoonful of baking soda

A teaspoon of sodium bicarb mixed into a glass of water can help soothe the burning sensation of heartburn caused by reflux. Baking soda is what’s known as a base substance. It has a pH higher than 7.0, which means it neutralises stomach acid.

2. Chewing gum

The Journal of Dental Research conducted a study that showed that people with symptoms of chronic heartburn actually experienced relief when they chewed a piece of sugar free gum for 30 min after a meal. They attributed this to the stimulation of the salivary glands, which in turn dilutes the acid that may have built up in the gut.

3. Eat a banana or an apple

Both bananas and apples contain natural antacids that can help soothe acid reflux. Try eating your preferred fruit a few hours before bedtime to relieve or prevent discomfort.

4. Snack on almonds

While the research isn’t exactly clear on why almonds help neutralise the juices in your stomach, the results show that they do just that. Adding a handful of almonds after every snack can help soothe your stomach and prevent the burning sensation.

5. Chamomile tea

The perfect night-time cuppa for relaxation, chamomile is also excellent for reducing inflammation and balancing out acidity levels in your stomach. Brew yourself a cup an hour or so before heading to bed.

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remedies, health, Heartburn, acid reflux, reflux