
Primary school slammed for scrapping free time for students

A primary school in Perth has ignited debates between child-play experts after a controversial plan to limit free play for students.

Clarkson Primary School has made the controversial decision to scrap free play at recess and replaced it with structural play as students weren’t engaging with each other.

"A lot of that we attributed to increased social media, the likes of screen time plus a breakdown in families," Principal Tony Shields said to 9News.

"We wanted to come up with a way on teaching kids how to play properly."

At recess, students are given 15 minutes of teacher coordinated play and 15 minutes of eating. There is also 5 minutes to wind-down.

The only free play is at lunch time after 10 minutes of eating.

Naturally, the move has sparked debate among experts.

"If it becomes part of school policy, the norm and the practice, they will become frustrated agitated, tearful," early childhood education expert, Dr Sandra Hesterman said.

"It is the Government's responsibility to promote societal attitudes that promote play based learning."

Another expert says that the school is being pro-active to a problem.

"There does need to be a balance, but I certainly don't see a problem with the school who has taken a pro-active approach to a problem," parenting expert, Claire Orange said.

Principal Shields has said that the program is about promoting play instead of preventing it. They’ve had no complaints so far.

"The kids are terrific, they're friendly and polite and there's a really calm comfortable environment in there."

Feedback from parents has also been positive, saying that their children are eating better since the structured play sessions have been adopted by the school.

"This one is a very poor eater but when they all sit together everybody is eating and everybody is talking, it makes a difference," mother Renjini Neir said.

perth, school, play time, free time, students