
Top tips for walking your way to good health

Walking is a great way to stay healthy but many people need to take those steps at a brisker pace. Here’s how to step up your routine.

Tying those shoelaces on for a brisk walk around your local lake or along the beach is a great way to stay active. Whether it’s a morning walk along the beach or an afternoon hike along a nature trail, you can exercise for free in some of the most beautiful locations in the world. No wonder walking is so popular! Seventy-seven per cent of Aussies love walking as a form of physical activity, according to over 50s insurer Apia.

“It’s not surprising that walking is so popular with older Aussies, given it is low impact, easy on the body, requires minimal equipment and can be done on your own or with friends anytime of the day and at your own pace,” Apia’s David Skapinker says.

“As we get older it’s important to keep connected with people around you and fitness groups, cycling and walking meet-ups are a great way for people to stay active and socialise at the same time.”

Free, low impact and you can do it wherever and whenever you want, who wouldn’t love walking? While an evening stroll around your block or down by the park is a relaxing way to unwind, stretch the muscles and get some fresh air, it’s not ideal for exercise. For that, you need to step up the pace. Here’s a few tips on how to do just that.

Mix it up

What makes walking great is the fact that you can start at whatever point that feels most comfortable for you, and grow from there. One of the most effective ways of increasing your fitness is with interval training which involves alternating your sessions of ‘constant speed’ with several short bursts of intense walking. After about one or two minutes of walking really fast, go back to a slower pace to catch your breath. Continue to do this over time by increasing your short bursts of intense effort into longer periods, and you’ll soon notice the difference.

Try an early morning walk

Getting motivated to exercise can always be difficult but if you get it over and done with first thing in the morning, it’s out of the way for the rest of the day. And, if you’re looking to trim a few extra kilos around the midsection, it’s the best time to lose weight. Walking before breakfast means your body has nothing to fuel itself with apart from stored fat, which means you’ll burn off excess kilos in no time. Plus, it’s a great way to start the day. You’ll feel good, energised and ready to tackle any of the day’s demands with renewed vigour.

Explore different trails

Mix up your walking routes to challenge your body with different surfaces. Stick to the footpath one morning and then try slipping off your sneakers, and walking along the beach another morning. If you live in a hilly area, even better. Try an uphill walk followed by a gentle descent to catch your breath. Your body adapts quickly to new challenges, so you always have to stay one step ahead of yourself. Remember, don’t go too hard too quickly. Ease yourself into new routes and new challenges rather than trying to push yourself too quickly since you may injure yourself. Be careful and take it one step at a time.

Find a buddy

The best way to stay motivated and to chart your progress in getting faster is with a walking buddy! Find a friend who has the same goal as you – to get fitter by changing their walking patterns. This will not only keep you motivated but you can push each other to go a step better than you did the other day. Soon, you’ll both be feeling fitter and walking faster, and can celebrate your achievement together.

Image: Getty

tips, fitness, walking, health, wellbeing