Pamela Connellan

Alert viewers spot Cabinet Minister's serious health condition on live TV

NSW Cabinet Minister Victor Dominello made an urgent discovery about his own health after a number of concerned viewers alerted him to a major issue.

The viewers noticed his "droopy eye" during the NSW State COVID-19 press conference on Wednesday so the Customer Service Minister sought medical advice and was diagnosed with Bell's palsy on Wednesday afternoon.

The minister later posted on his Facebook account, saying he’d received this diagnosis at the Royal North Shore Hospital. Bell's palsy is a condition which causes a sudden weakness or paralysis in one side of the face.

“At this morning’s press conference, a number of people commented on my droopy eye,” he wrote in his post.

“Some people thought I was winking at the cameraman. Some thought I had a stroke.

“I have actually been diagnosed with Bell’s palsy.”

Minister Dominello continued in his post: “About 48 hours ago - I felt a pain in my skull behind my right ear. This morning I woke up with pins and needles on the right side of my tongue. But I did not notice any droopiness around my eye.

I only took it more seriously this afternoon - after a number of people sent me a screenshot of the press conference and others contacted my office prompting me to seek urgent medical advice.

Thanks to everyone who reached out .

The reason I am posting is because hopefully it will remind people to look after their health.

We are focussed on Covid but there are plenty of other health problems going on.

If you have any health concerns - please get them looked after.

Ps - thanks to staff at Royal North Shore - we are blessed to live in a country with this health system ”

Bell’s Palsy is caused by inflammation or damage to the facial nerve which are thought to be linked to viral infections. It can be treated with oral steroids or antiviral medicine with complete recovery usually taking several months.

Other symptoms include difficulty making facial expressions, drooping of one side of the mouth, difficulty eating, drooling, pain or sensitivity on the affected side of the body. Patients can also experience headaches and loss of taste.

Anyone who develops these symptoms should seek medical treatment immediately.

Photo: Facebook

NSW State press conference, Cabinet Minister, Victor Dominello, Bell's Palsy, COVID-19