Alex Cracknell

"Fresh start" for scalded baby after horror attack

The family of a 10-month-old baby, who suffered severe burns after an unknown man threw a thermos of hot coffee on him in a Brisbane park, is urging police to release more information about the suspect, who is believed to have fled overseas.

Queensland Police have been investigating the case since the attack, which took place in Stones Corner, Brisbane. While authorities have confirmed that international law enforcement is assisting with the search, the baby’s parents are asking for more transparency on the case.

The family, who has chosen to remain anonymous, visited the park for the first time since the incident on Thursday. Burns from the attack are still visible on their young son's body.

“He’s really strong and resilient and brave,” the baby’s mother told 7NEWS. The visit came just weeks after their son was rushed to Queensland Children’s Hospital with burns to his face and chest. In celebration of the baby reaching 10 months old, he wore a miniature police uniform given to him by the squad working on his case.

Despite the police’s efforts, the parents are concerned about the lack of information being shared with them and the public. “We would just like a bit of assurance that we are on the right track, and (that the offender) is going to get caught,” the father told 7NEWS. He also questioned the process of bringing the suspect back, asking, “How (do) they plan on bringing him back? And if they know where he is in that particular country, is that country working with us?”

Queensland Police acting commissioner Shane Chelepy stated that while the police are actively working on the case, they are being strategic with the release of information. “We need to balance our investigative strategies with the need for the community to know what’s going on,” Chelepy explained.

As the investigation continues, the family is moving into a new home, hoping for a fresh start after the traumatic event. “I think it’ll just be a nice, new, fresh start after such a difficult month,” the mother said. The father added, “We can’t believe how well he’s doing. He’s so happy and he’s hitting all his milestones.”

Police remain committed to locating the suspect and are collaborating with international authorities to bring him to justice.

Images: 7News / Nine Network

caring, baby, burned, brisbane