Carla La Tella

Gus Worland rushed to hospital

Gus Worland was rushed to hospital in Orange NSW on Saturday the 4th of June, after attending a fundraiser for his charity Gotcha4life.

The Triple M host fell ill with a hernia and was rushed into emergency surgery, he will be staying in Orange Hospital for a few days.

Colleague Anthony Maroon will be filling his seat this week.

“What started with a fundraiser for my foundation in Orange at the mighty @orangeemusrugby on Saturday night turned into an emergency hernia operation-brilliant staff. Here for a few days,” he posted to Instagram.

The Gotcha4life foundation focuses on mental health and hosts a variety of events around the country including visiting schools and sports clubs.

The team aim to teach boys and young men the skills they need to navigate modern life and gives them the strength to reach out to someone if it all begins to feel like too much.

Worland said the focus is to learn to separate mates from true friends, with the radio star saying that, no matter how many mates you have, your true friends really count at the end of the day.

“Gotcha4Life came off the back of a program I did, Man Up, for the ABC. It’s had more than 78 million views now. I’m so proud of it. It’s by far the most important thing I’ve ever done,” he says.

“I went on a journey to figure our why a friend of mine took his own life. Here was a guy that I thought had everything covered. He had a beautiful wife, family, job; he seemed to have it all. And I loved him like a brother”.

“Then I started investigating mental health in Australia, and I realised that the number one way to lose your life as an Aussie male between 15 and 44 is to take your own life. We lose six blokes every single day.

I realised I had this wonderful opportunity to set up a foundation around men’s mental health. I’m talking about getting mentally fit, realising it’s OK to not have everything covered. That it’s OK to not to be OK.”

Image: Instagram

Gus Worland, health, caring, Orange NSW, Triple M