Charlotte Foster

Haunting last pictures of Charlise Mutten revealed

The haunting last photos of nine-year-old Charlise Mutten have been released just hours after her step-father was found guilty of her murder. 

On Wednesday, Justin Stein was found guilty for the murder of Charlise, who was killed in January 2022 while visiting her mother and step-father for Christmas. 

The jury reached their conclusion of Stein's guilt in just shy of two weeks following the four week trial, finding that Stein had killed Charlise at a Mount Wilson property owned by his parents before he wrapped her body and dumped it in a barrel down near the Colo River.

Following the guilty verdict, a series of photos were released by the court, which document some of the final days of Charlise's life. 

In the photos, Charlise can be seen holding a pair of dolls and smiling for the camera as her mother, Kallista, snapped the image of her daughter. 

Kallista then sent the photo to her mother and Charlise's grandmother Deborah on Christmas morning 2021. 

“Thanks for the present and Merry Christmas from us all,” Kallista said to Deborah via Facebook.“Thanks for the present and Merry Christmas from us all,” Kallista said to Deborah via Facebook.

Deborah and her husband Clinton were Charlise's main guardians, as Charlise had been living with them on the Gold Coast.

Charlise can also be seen in a picture on January 8th, just days before she was killed, swimming in a pool, and on January 10th, she was photographed by her mother poking a face next to a broken window.

The photo was sent to Stein by Kallista along with a message saying, “I’m sorry I’m such a screw up can we still get married”.

Just two days later on January 12th, Charlise was killed. 

Stein will face a sentence hearing in August, where he faced life in prison for murder. 

Image credits: NSW Police / Facebook

Charlise Mutten, Justin Stein, photos