
Warning signs of age-related eye problems not to ignore

The major causes of blindness and vision loss in Australia are age-related degenerative eye diseases, such as cataract, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration. To slow down, treat or avoid poor eye health as you age, there are actions you can take. For instance, regular eye exams are the very best way to avoid vision problems.

Similarly being aware of certain warning signs also can help you take appropriate steps to maintain your eyesight, particularly if vision symptoms occur suddenly. In many cases, swift action is essential to avoid or minimise permanent vision loss.

While many eye problems can occur at any age, they often are more common in older individuals. Unfortunately, ageing also increases your risk for certain types of sight-threatening eye conditions that can lead to blindness.

The following signs and symptoms can indicate a medical emergency. In most cases, you should see your eye doctor immediately if you experience:

Sudden blurry vision in one eye

If you are over 60, your chance of developing a macular hole in the part of the retina where fine focusing occurs increases. Because macular holes can worsen and cause permanent loss of vision, it's important to visit your eye care practitioner for a diagnosis and prompt treatment (if necessary).

A flood of spots and floaters in your field of vision

Usually, spots and floaters are due to a benign, age-related condition called vitreous detachment. This occurs when the eye's gel-like interior liquefies and separates from the retina, where vision processing occurs.
 But a sudden onset of spots and floaters also can be caused by a serious, sight-threatening tear or detachment of the retina. If you suddenly see a shower of spots and floaters, visit your optometrist immediately.

Sudden eye pain, redness, nausea and vomiting

These symptoms can signal a sudden (acute) attack of narrow-angle glaucoma, which can permanently damage the eye's optic nerve. Immediate treatment is required to prevent permanent vision loss.

A gradual (or sudden) narrowing of your field of vision, leaving you with the ability to see only directly in front of you

This could mean you have developed glaucoma that damages your optic nerve, with accompanying vision loss at the "edges" of your field of view. Without intervention, vision loss will continue and permanent blindness may result.

A gradual loss of central vision, including distortions such as seeing wavy instead of straight lines

These symptoms may be caused by macular degeneration (MD), a leading cause of blindness among older Australians. Today, there are several new medical treatments can effectively halt vision loss due to macular degeneration. Some treatments may even help you regain some vision lost to AMD, if therapy is initiated soon enough.

Cloudy and blurred eyesight, "halos" around lights at night, loss of bright color vision

These vision changes may be due to cataracts. Cataracts tend to worsen gradually over time and are not a medical emergency. Nevertheless, as your eye's natural lens continues to cloud with aging, you eventually will go blind unless you have cataract surgery that replaces your cloudy lens with a man-made intraocular lens.
If you wait too long for cataract surgery, you increase your chance of complications such as glaucoma. Also, if cataract surgery is postponed too long, the cloudy lens can harden and become more difficult to remove.

Scratchy or irritated sensation, eye surface pain, tearing

These signs and symptoms are most commonly due to dry eye syndrome. Dry eye usually is more of a nuisance than a sight-threatening condition. But symptoms can be severe, particularly as you grow older and your body produces fewer tears or your tear chemistry changes. Consult your eye care practitioner for advice about remedies, which may include over-the-counter or prescription eye drops.

Image: Getty

eye care, eye health