Joel Callen

Why you’ll want to know about lyric hearing aids

There are many hearing aids on the market but you’ll want to know about the new lyric hearing aids. Why? As well as being very small, here are four reasons.

1. They are the world’s first and only 100 per cent invisible extended wear hearing device. They are placed completely in the ear canal (by a trained professional) and invisible to everyone but you.

2. They can be worn 24/7 and during most daily activities, such as exercising, bathing, talking on the phone and sleeping. They only need to be changed every three months.

3. There are no batteries to change or daily insertion and removal.

4. It uses the ear’s natural anatomy to provide natural sound quality. The outer ear is used to direct sound into the ear canal so there’s no need for multiple settings.

Lyric hearing aids suit people with mild to moderate hearing loss. Take advantage of a free trial of these hearing aids by our partner Connect Hearing.

Related links:

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Hearing aids could improve your balance

The dos and don’ts of caring for your hearing aids

health, hearing, lyric hearing aid, free trial