Tonia Todman’s words of wisdom on happy and healthy living
“Happiness is only available to us in small doses, I believe. The rest of the time we are content with being satisfied. Most people's lives are lived in quiet desperation, experiencing only random moments of true happiness. For me, happiness comes in wonderful, fleeting bursts that leave me feeling good, and make me laugh or smile. And sometimes, happiness can bring tears of joy” – Tonia Todman, 66
Over60 were lucky enough to sit down with Tonia Todman and get her words of wisdom on happy and healthy living. We asked her to finish these sentences…
The one thing I definitely want to do before it's too late is… learn to drive a racing car.
You can never have too much… good health, or eat too much fish.
The weekends are for… what are weekends?
Style is… innate, and rarely learned.
I cannot get through the day without… a walk in the garden with my shadow, Rosie, my rescued golden retriever.
Exercise is… essential, but too often it’s not regular.
When it comes to health I… listen to my body, eat well, and try not to be stressed. The benefits of a good laugh are difficult to overestimate.
My mother once told me… be gentle, quiet and kind. I have mastered the gentle and kind bits, but I'll never be quiet, of that I'm sure!
I'm happiest when… I'm picking flowers, or playing with Poppy. Or talking with Michael.
Chocolate or cheese? Cheese, preferably Australian.
My top five tips for ageing happily and healthily are…
- Do things that have a good chance of making you happy.
- Grow a garden, preferably vegetables, even if it's in pots.
- Develop a satisfying hobby.
- Keep friendships going – friends are precious.
- Read, stay interested in current affairs and volunteer.