Danielle McCarthy

5 ways therapists deal with bad days

We all have those days where, for no particular reason, we’re in a foul mood. Those days where everything seems to go wrong and even the smallest annoyance can send you into a full-on, toddler-esque tantrum. But those days aren’t exclusive to us regular folk – they happen to therapists, too.

For us, it may take a lazy day on the couch (and maybe a tub of ice cream) to perk up, but what do psychologists do when they’re having a bad day? Let’s find out.

1. Laugh

It turns out laughter really is the best medicine! “Humour is my favourite tool in the area of self-care,” LiveHealth Online clinical therapist, Dr Zereana Jess-Huff, tells Women’s Health. So whip out your favourite funny movie, watch some stand-up on Netflix or hang out with your witty friend – anything that gets you giggling!

2. Move

Distract yourself and shake off those bad vibes with a brisk walk, bike ride or anything else that gets the blood pumping. “If I have a particularly hard day at work or am worrying a lot about my patient, I might do some vigorous exercise,” Dr Jennifer Gentile from Boston Children’s Hospital explains.

3. Create

Art, music, dance, colouring… if it involves creativity, it’s a great way to channel your emotions into something productive. Studies show that flexing your creative muscles will actually improve your mental health, and you’ll have more control over the directions your thoughts take and the decisions you make.

4. Socialise

Exposing your grumpy mood to your nearest and dearest might be the last thing you want to do, but experts agree that spending time with friends (whether on the phone or in person) has major mental health benefits. Simply chatting with them can reduce your blood pressure and help the stress melt away.

5. Eat

When we’re in a bad mood, we tend to look for instant gratification. Often, this comes in the form of food – namely, sugar. However, sugar will only provide fleeting relief – instead, stick to whole foods and low-GI fruits like apples and berries. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water and avoid any caffeine – too much coffee when you’re feeling down or stressed will only make the situation worse.

What’s your secret to beating a bad mood? Share your tips with us in the comments below.

deal, health, mind, bad, ways, therapists, days