
5 ways to burn more calories by walking

There are a whole lot of reasons walking is such a popular workout for people of all ages and fitness levels. Not only can you do it wherever you are, whenever you like, it’s also easily tailored to your needs and doesn’t require any fancy equipment. You can incorporate walking into almost any fitness regime with little effort and fantastic results. In the interests of keeping things interesting and challenging your body a little more, we’ve got five suggestions for jazzing up your walking workout. Give one a go this week.

  1. Switch up your route – If you walk the same route all the time, try switching things up and incorporating something new into the mix. A hill or set of steps is great for upping your heart rate, while a visit to a local park offers a great change of scenery and likely a shift in terrain.
  2. Invest in a pedometer – While certainly not a necessity, a pedometer will count your steps, helping you keep track of how far you’re walking. If you’re the type that likes a challenge you can try and beat your number of steps every walk.
  3. Invite a friend – If you usually catch up for coffee with friends, why not try a “walking catch up”? Not only do you get the chance to stretch your legs and get a workout in, you also have someone to chat with along the way – which can push your heart rate up even further too. If you can’t live without your coffee, try meeting up and walking to your favourite café for a quick fix then back again.
  4. Add music – If you’re more of a solo walker, an iPod or other portable music device can be a great companion. You also don’t have to listen to tunes. You could download podcasts on your favourite topics or even install an app for meditation or relaxation tracks to play while you stroll. The music might even motivate you to walk for longer.
  5. Try intervals – If you’re keen to get your heart pumping, try interval training. While commonly associated with running, it’s easy to add intervals into your walking workout. Simply choose a distance or time period where you’ll walk at maximum speed before dropping back to your usual pace and repeating. For example, aim to walk at maximum pace for 45 seconds then drop back to your normal speed for the next 45 seconds. Repeat for as long as you can.

walking, health, wellbeing, Naomi Cotterill