7 ways to banish negative thoughts

If you find yourself getting caught up in thoughts about “what if” or “if only” these can become negative thought patterns that can lead to depression and anxiety. Although it’s common to have negative thoughts sometimes, if you regularly focus on them it can stop you from enjoying your life. So if you’re interested in turning your thoughts in a more positive direction, you can follow our ideas below to reduce the negative thoughts that could be holding you back from your true potential.
1. Observe the negative ideas
First of all you need to work out when you are having these negative thoughts in order to get them out of your head. Some common ones that you might have include the idea that everything is black or white with no middle ground; taking on the blame when things go wrong, even when things are not necessarily your fault; focusing only on the negatives in any situation without seeing the positive side; and always assuming that the worst is going to happen.
2. Take action against negative thoughts
Once you notice these types of thoughts creeping in, try to think objectively so that you don’t get caught up in a negative spiral. What advice would you offer a friend who came to you with the same thoughts? More than likely you would give her a logical answer like “there’s no need to blame yourself for things that are out of your control.” You can apply this to your own situation and think of other reasons why things have not turned out the way you had planned.
3. Limit the thoughts
Often it is difficult to just stop the negative thought altogether. Instead, allow yourself a five-minute session with it before you take a break from dwelling on it and get on with your day.
4. Be kind to yourself
It’s easy to feel down in the dumps when we compare ourselves to other people or some unattainable goal. Notice when you are doing this, and give yourself a break. You are human after all. Try to think of a positive quality when you are caught up in the negatives, as this can help you see from another point of view.
5. Be thankful for what you do have
Even when you are going through a difficult time, there are usually still parts of your life that you can be grateful for. Gratitude can give your mood a real boost, and if you write it down you can even refer back to your notes later for a quick lift.
6. Write down your good points
It’s too easy to get caught up in what you aren’t happy with about your life. By making a list of your strengths and talents you can help to kick those negative thoughts out of your mind. Plus you can refer back to it when you need a boost.
7. Ask for help
If you find that your thoughts are holding you back from what you need to do each day it might be time to source some professional support. Taking part in counselling or joining a support group can help to reduce the anxiety that you feel and allow you to make a positive action plan for the future.