
Why you should appreciate the “little moments” not just momentous ones

Most of us remember the “big” moments that have shaped or impacted our lives in some way. Marriage, the birth of a child, the day you paid your mortgage off (or is that still a pipe dream?!), these moments stick with us. Often however, we forget about the little moments, the everyday stuff, that is just as meaningful and in its own way, has made a significant contribution to how we live our lives. These understated yet equally important moments happen everyday. Catching them as they’re occurring is key.

Here are five to remember and appreciate.

  1. The first time your grandchild grabs your hand and/or says “I Love You.” While you’ve probably experienced years of wonderful moments with your own children, the first time your grand child really reaches out to you and expresses their affection for you is incredibly special and worth storing away in your memory.
  2. Coming home and bring greeted by a furry best friend. Dogs give the best welcomes. Whether it’s licking, whining or furious tail wagging, their sheer pleasure at seeing you is enough to brighten up the darkest afternoon.
  3. Being thanked out of the blue. A friend or loved one who expresses their gratitude for something you’ve done for them without you even thinking about it, is an incredibly sweet moment. Usually it’s something small, insignificant even, but it’s enough to make a positive impact on their lives and in turn, on yours.

    Related link: How to master the attitude of gratitude

  4. Unexpected alone time. Regardless of whether you’re retired or still working, life is busy. Often you’ll schedule “me time” only for it to fall through. Unexpected alone time, when all the planets align and you’re able to enjoy the peace and quiet of your own company is not only rare but completely enjoyable and yes, memorable.
  5. Realising that you’ve made a positive change. Whether you were determined to stop drinking soft drink or start walking every night after dinner, actually realising that you’ve not only made the change, but stuck to it, is incredibly satisfying. Often whatever it is you’ve done has become so much a part of your everyday that you don’t even recognize it till you sit back and remember life before hand.

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Become a more positive person now!

