Melody Teh

I’m addicted to studying

Whether it’s a university degree, short courses, online study or teaching, Venita Trembath, 71, from Marleston, Adelaide, has never stopped studying and learning since she left school all those decades ago.

“I am a retired nurse/midwife and I have never stopped studying something or other since I left school. Although I did my training as a nurse, midwife and infant welfare I also did a Bachelor of Nursing with a teaching core in the 1980s. I also did a BA degree at Flinders for fun when I did a few years on night duty before that. There was also a lot of mini-courses as well such as family planning and diabetes. After I retired at age 59 due to a chronic illness I attended a “seniors online" course at the West Torrens Library to stave off boredom.

These courses were initiated by the Flinders’ University where someone was trying to find out if using a computer may slow the onset of dementia or similar. I had never used a computer and as it was run by volunteers I joined the fold and by picking up much needed advice from the very experienced computer teachers, I managed to become a teacher. I totally enjoyed the older learners and after it folded last year I decided to go to a nursing home where there are three women and men in their eighties who are still learning. One of these asks the curliest of questions and keeps me quite busy.

I have studied a few courses with Open2Study – Foundations of Psychology, Sociology, Understanding Common Diseases -  and I intend to do many more as I enjoyed them immensely. I find them very challenging and when I started the first course I thought it would be a breeze. To my delight I found it that the depth was complex enough for me to find it difficult and therefore interested. I found that the extra reading, videos were very good and I loved reading the views and comments of students, especially those of overseas students. The Common Diseases course gave me good reason to eat sensibly even though I thought I already knew it all. It was very thought provoking.

I have done some short TAFE courses on writing Biography, Creative Writing and Editing by correspondence a couple of years ago so that I could put my Mother's memoires into order. I have also done an extra computer courses with WEA on Publisher to produce a 56 page program booklet for a Yesteryear car rally that my husband is involved with.

I am sure that learning in old age is beneficial if it is continuous and it is the reason I spend time with the residents in the nursing home. My husband is in his early eighties and he is quite sharp too because he is a prolific reader, loves travel, especially going to the bush where we still camp out in between our cruises which we have been doing in the last few years. He would have to be bedridden before he would study online but would do well if he was interested in a subject.

If I was less busy in my retirement and spent less money on holidays I would probably do a postgraduate course as I believe it would keep me mentally active.”

Photograph is a stock image and is not of Venita Trembath.

Open2Study, education, learning, Studying, Mature education