Beauty & Style

4 genius morning hacks when you have no time to shower

 We all have those mornings: the alarm blares, you hit snooze, roll over and fall back asleep ... ten times in a row. If there are zero minutes to jump in the shower before heading out, use these household items strategically to make it look – and smell – like you did.

1. Baby wipes

 If yesterday’s sweat is still clinging to your skin, whip out the baby wipes stat. Rub down the stinky areas, and then spritz a bit of antibacterial body odour spray on top. If this not-showering thing is a habit for you, consider investing in wipes designed just for this purpose. Look for ones that are super soft, plant-based, biodegradable, compostable and smell amazing. Bad smells, be gone!

2. Baby powder

 Depending on the thickness and texture of your strands, second-day hair can look either fashionably unkempt or just plain oily. If the latter’s the case, rub a bit of baby powder onto your scalp to soak up the grease. Again, if hectic mornings are business as usual for you, invest in a dry shampoo that will whisk away dirt and oil without leaving a powdery residue. If hair stink is your main complaint, give strands a light spritz with fragrance made for hair.

3. Apple cider vinegar

 For greasy morning skin, first wash your face with a mild cleanser. After drying, pat on an apple cider vinegar toner (one-part apple cider vinegar two parts water) to purify and refresh. Bonus: ACV’s bacteria-fighting, pH-balancing properties will rid your body of unwanted odour, so feel free to rub it on any lingering smelly spots.

4. Witch hazel

Another amazing skin tonic? Witch hazel. Pour a small amount on a cotton pad and gently wipe your cheeks, forehead, chin and nose to remove excess oil and sweat. Consider keeping a bottle at your desk at work to maintain an oil-free T-zone all day long.

Written by Ashley Paige. This article first appeared in Reader’s Digest. For more of what you love from the world’s best-loved magazine, here’s our best subscription offer.

shower hacks, senior, shower, clean, beauty hacks