Beauty & Style

5 amazing health and beauty benefits of olive oil

1. Preventing stroke

One of the ways to reduce your risk of stroke is to add more olive oil to your diet. “There are many studies to support that regular consumption of extra-virgin olive oil can lower risk of stroke,” Dr Shipley says. Research from France found that study participants who used olive oil regularly had a 41 per cent reduced risk of stroke compare to those who never used it.

2. Heart Health

Among the other cardiovascular benefits of olive oil are the effect of their monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), which can help keep your ticker working well, according to the Heart Foundation. “Another recent study was able to demonstrate that olive oil consumption, specifically the extra-virgin variety, is associated with reduced risks of cardiovascular disease and mortality in individuals at high cardiovascular risk,” Dr Shipley says. However, you only receive EVOO’s benefits when you replace unhealthy oils or butter with it – not when you add it to what you’re already eating.

3. Smooth hair

The benefits of olive oil also extend to beauty hacks. As a natural conditioner, olive oil is nature’s cure for dry hair. Try massaging it directly into parched tips. “Another way you can take advantage of the hydrating nature of olive oil is by adding a few tablespoons of it to your shampoo,” says Larissa Iracheta, director of quality at Deoleo, the parent company of Bertolli and Carapelli olive oils. “This technique will help soften and strengthen your hair.” Olive oil works particularly well for thick, processed, or split hair

4. Better Cholesterol

One of the reasons EVOO is so good for cardiovascular health is because it reduces the cholesterol that clogs arteries. “In a study from the medical journal Circulation, researchers found that participants who consumed a Mediterranean diet enriched with olive oil had better working levels of HDL cholesterol, or ‘the good cholesterol,’ which aids in removing LDL, the ‘bad cholesterol,’ from one’s blood stream,” Dr Shipley says.

5. Improving Acne 

One of the daily habits of people who never get acne is following a Mediterranean diet that includes olive oil. Actress Chloe Grace Moretz credits olive oil with getting rid of her acne. “I wash my face with olive oil,” she told Allure.  “I swear my skin is so much clearer because of it.” In the same way olive oil can remove oil-based makeup (more on that later), it can help remove the oil from your skin. Plus, some studies have shown olive oil has antibacterial properties, which can help clear up skin infections that can lead to breakouts. 

Written by Tina Donvito. This article first appeared in Reader’s Digest. For more of what you love from the world’s best-loved magazine, here’s our best subscription offer.


olive oil, Beauty tips, Health, wellness, health tips